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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Information about childcare providers for parents

Registered childcare options

Childcare providers may need to be registered depending on the service offered, terms and conditions. If required, registration would be granted when practice and premises comply with the Day Care of Children (Jersey) Law, 2002 and the Statutory Requirements related to the type of provision. 

Registered childcare providers include:

  • childminders
  • early years providers
  • childhood providers


Childminders look after children in their own family home for a remuneration. They can care from babies to 12 years old children and can provide full day, all year-round service. A quality and compliance review is carried out by CEYS which includes self-evaluation and consultation with parents.

The Jersey Association of Child Carers (J.A.C.C.) is an organisation supporting childminders and parents. Childminders who are J.A.C.C. members can advertise their service and availabilities by way of personal profiles.

Early Years providers

Private nurseries

Private nurseries, or Early Years providers, refer to nurseries providing full-time day care from birth to school age children (school age being the term they turn 5). Most are open all year-round and only closed on public holidays, but some nurseries operate on a term time only basis. Opening hours aim to meet needs of working parents. A quality and compliance review is carried by CEYS every two years that includes self-evaluation and consultation with parents and staff.

School nurseries

Most of Government schools have a nursery class attached providing childcare for children in the year before they start their Reception year (the year they turn 5). These nursery classes are open term time only and their opening hours are in line with all schools. A quality and compliance review is carried every three years by a group of off island reviewers and senior advisors from the Childhood Young People Education and Skills (CYPES) department.

Childhood providers

Childhood providers care for children aged 3 to 12 years old before school, after school and/or during school holidays. Children who have completed their pre-school year can access a holiday club during the summer holidays prior to starting Reception. Opening hours aim to meet needs of working parents.

Single activity clubs

These offer a single activity to children. This could be an art club, a digital club, an outdoor activity club, sports club or others.

Play work and multi activity clubs

These are breakfast or after school clubs, holiday clubs, or a combination of all three.

Other childcare options

Nannies and au pairs are not required to be registered under the law because the service offered takes place in the children's own home. The Jersey Childcare Trust (JCCT) offers an accreditation program and provides a list of accredited nannies. Visit the JCCT website for more information.

Inclusion for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Children with SEND are supported throughout their different developmental stages from various departments and organisations. Some childcare providers have the training and expertise to care for these children.

Early Years Inclusion Team (EYIT)

EYIT offer support, help and advice to families caring for SEND children aged 0 to 5 years.

Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)

SALT work with all ages, supporting a range of needs from feeding and swallowing to speech and language difficulties.

Jersey Childcare Trust (JCCT)

The Jersey Childcare trust (JCCT) help families access the nurture, care and learning they need for their children to thrive. They provide information and services to families, policy makers, childcare providers and other professionals.

Nursery Education Fund (NEF)

All children are eligible to receive government funded nursery education hours in the academic year they turn four. This applies to school nurseries or registered early years providers in the private or voluntary sector who have joined the scheme. Childminders are not part for the NEF scheme.

Tax relief and social benefit

Parents paying for childcare at registered providers may be entitled to tax relief. If you are in receipt of income support, you may qualify for help towards the cost of childcare however these payments can't be claimed as a deduction for tax. Visit child care tax relief for more information.

School nursery and reception admission

School nursery and reception places can be applied for through the Government website. A school nursery allocation does not guarantee a place in the reception class at the same school. Visit finding and applying for schools for more information and to know how places are allocated.

List of childcare providers

Find all registered private nurseries, holidays and activity clubs and childminders on the list of registered childcare providers.
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