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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Applying for a school

​Applying for a Government school place In Year

If your child is of school age you must complete our online school admission form.

You'll be asked to upload:

  • proof of your address in Jersey
  • proof of your child's identity
  • proof of both parent's identities
  • your child's birth certificate

School admission form

Email school admissions

Publicly funded education

To access free education in Jersey you must have the appropriate immigration status. For further information review the document below.

Access to publicly funded education

How and when places are allocated

Children are allocated places a maximum of 1 term before their arrival date in Jersey. If your catchment area school is full, a place will be allocated at the closest school that has a space available.

How soon your child can start school

Most children will be in school within 5 school days after we receive your completed admission forms and required documents.

Applications received within 5 days before the end of a school term will be processed in the following term.

School transfers won’t be processed during school holidays when schools are closed.

School term dates and holidays

How primary school places are allocated

Register with your catchment school. You'll then be sent an application form in November of the year before your child is due to start school.

Return your application form to your catchment school. They'll forward your details to the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills who allocate all school places. You'll receive an offer of a school place by the end of January. 

Parents may request up to 3 schools in order of preference. If a school is oversubscribed, priority will be given, in the following order, to children who:

  1. have a special educational need and must access a specific school / are looked after  
  2. have brothers or sisters in the school (Reception to Year 5)
  3. are living in the primary school catchment area
  4. are living in the secondary school catchment area
  5. have brothers or sisters in the school - Year 6
  6. have other requests supported by a good educational reason

Most children start school in the September of the school year that they turn 5 years of age. This is so that they can experience 3 terms in reception. If you are considering delaying your child's start date then contact the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills.

Registering for a primary school reception place

You must register for a reception place at your catchment school by 1 November of the year before your child is due to start school.

Registration of interest in a reception place

Find your catchment school

How secondary school places are allocated

You'll receive an offer of a place at a non fee-paying secondary school if your child attends a non fee-paying primary school (unless they are going to a fee-paying secondary school).

Offers are sent by email in January and decisions about out of catchment places are communicated by the end of February.

If schools are full then priority is given to students who:

  1. have a special educational need and must attend a specific school / are looked after
  2. live in the school catchment area
  3. have a brother or sister in Years 7 to 10
  4. attend a primary school in the secondary school catchment area
  5. have parents who live or work in the school catchment area
  6. have a brother or sister in year 11
  7. have a good educational reason for attending a non-catchment school
If your child attends a fee-paying primary school and you want to apply for a non fee-paying secondary school please contact the School Admissions team.

Applying for Hautlieu school (Years 10 to 13)

Hautlieu school manages their own admissions. Contact the school directly to apply for a place.

Places allocated to students in Year 12 (A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate Diploma) will depend on GCSE results.

Hautlieu school website

Appealing against your allocated school place

If you’re not satisfied with your allocated school place, you can appeal the decision.

School admissions appeals process

Education policies

Fee-paying and private schools

Fee-paying and private schools manage their own admissions. For a place you must apply directly to the school.

List of primary schools

List of secondary schools

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