​Equal opportunities for all children
The Education Department provides equal opportunities to all children so they can access education regardless of their circumstances.
Your child’s teachers will use the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice (currently under review, February 2024) and the guidelines for Ordinarily Available.
We ensure children are included by:
- providing a welcoming approach to children who have additional needs and their families
- using flexible educational arrangements according to a child’s needs
- monitoring progress to ensure children are meeting their targets
- working towards children achieving high or increasing levels of attendance
- providing extra ser​vices and support in a child's school or setting
- ensuring staff access and enjoy high quality special educational needs training
- ensuring staff deliver high quality teaching for all children
- using a step by step approach to meeting their needs
Inclusion Policy in Schools
Parent's Guide to the SEN Code of Practice
This guide is for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0 to 19 years who have special educational needs or a disability (SEND). It explains​ how to understand and use the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice (currently under review, February 2024) to support children and young people with SEND.
Parent's Guide to the SEN Code of Practice (currently under review, February ​2024) ​
Annual Review Flowchart
Graduated Approach​
Key Points of SEND Support in Schools
Requesting an Exceptional Action Assessment
SEND Support in Schools Flowchart
Supporting documents in Romanian
Annual Review Flowchart in Romanian
Key Points of SEND Support in Schools in Romanian
Requesting and Exceptional Action Assessment in Romanian
SEND Support in Schools Flowchart in Romanian
Supporting documents in Polish
Annual Review Flowchart in Polish
Key Points of SEND Support in Schools in Polish
Requesting and Exceptional Action Assessment in Polish
SEND Support in Schools Flowchart in Polish
Supporting documents in Portuguese
Annual Review Flowchart in Portuguese
Key Points of SEND Support in Schools in Portuguese
Requesting and Exceptional Action Assessment in Portuguese
SEND Support in Schools Flowchart in Portuguese
High Level Exceptional Action and Record of Need Processes
As defined in the SEN Code of Practice, best endeavours are made to meet the timescales set out in the following diagrams:
Exceptional Action and Record of Need Process
High Level Record of Need Process​
Concerns about your child’s education
If you have concerns about your child’s education, you should speak to your child's class teacher or form tutor. They’ll discuss your child's needs and explain how they and the school can support you.​
If you still have concerns, you should contact your school's Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). They oversee the support services within schools.
If you would prefer to speak with someone outside of school, you should contact the Inclusion team​​ at the Education Department.
Funding for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
You can find information on how schools are funded to support children and young people with SEND in the documents below:
Funding for Children and Young People with SEND
High Needs Assessment Matrix​​
About the Inclusion section
Inclusion is made up of specialist professionals who provide advice, support and training for all schools and settings in:
special educational needs
english as an additional language
parenting and family support
educational psychology
autism and social communication
visual impairment
hearing impairment
early years
Autism and Social Communication Inclusion Team Leaflet for Parents
Education Welfare Team Leaflet for Parents
Educational Psychology Leaflet for Parents
Early Years Area SENCo Leaflet for Parents
Portage Home Visitors Leaflet for Parents
Hearing and Deaf Support Team Leaflet for Parents
Outdoor Learning Team Leaflet for Parents
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Inclusion Team Leaflet for Parents
Visual Impairment Leaflet for Parents
Well-being Team Leaflet for Parents​​