Department | Office of the Chief Executive |
Start date | 16/01/2012 |
End date | 01/03/2012 |
Type of consultation | Green paper |
Deadline for comments | 01/03/2012 |
About the consultation
The Strategic Plan is a broad policy statement which sets the overall direction for Jersey over the next three years and beyond by focusing on the key priorities that must be addressed by this government during its term of office, and planning for the major issues that will need to be addressed over the longer term.
The plan's vision is 'inspiring confidence in Jersey's future through:
- a safe and caring community
- a strong and sustainable economy
- preparing for the future
- protecting our environment
- a highly skilled and motivated workforce'
and focuses on seven priorities to be addressed over the next three years:
- get people into work
- manage population growth / migration
- house the community
- promote family and community values
- reform Health & Social Services
- reform government and the public service
- sustainable long-term planning
After being adopted by the States Assembly on 1 May 2012, the Strategic Plan will now be translated into detailed short, medium and long term delivery plans to ensure that clear strategies, action plans and success criteria are developed for each of the priorities.
Download the Strategic Plan 2012 (size 797kb)
How to submit comments to the consultation
This consultation is now closed.
Responses to the consultation
A consultation was held on the draft Strategic Plan. A summary of the responses received from the public who attended meetings, sent letters and emails and completed an online survey.
Download Strategic Plan consultation results (size 564kb)