Latest report
Business Tendenc​y Survey report for September 2024​
About the survey
The quarterly Jersey Business Tendency Survey (BTS) provided qualitative information about the Island’s economy.
The survey was discontinued in September 2024.
We appreciate the respondants for their valuable participation over the years​.
Chief Statistician - Statistics Jersey discontinuance of statistical reports​
The survey asked the chief executive or managing director of private sector businesses for their opinions on the current situation of their business compared to 3 months earlier and their expectations for the next 3 months.
The survey provided a set of 12 qualitative indicators to monitor Jersey's economic performance.
The 8 indicators which measure current performance were:
- business activity
- new business
- capacity utilisation
- input costs
- product prices
- profitability
- employment
- business optimism
The 4 indicators measuring future performance were:
- future business activity
- future employment
- future input costs
- future product prices
In June and December surveys, additional questions were asked of the finance sector to gauge their expectations for future:
- employment
- profits
- business development
From June 2020 to December 2022, the survey included questions relating to the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated economic consequences.
​Previous reports
You can view past Business Tendency Survey reports and Statistics Jersey reports​.
Data from past reports is available on