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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Flag flying days in Jersey: dates, occasions and protocol

​​​​Dates for flying flags on public buildings

The Jersey flag's red saltire in a white field has been around since the 1820s.

The crest is the Jersey arms and the crown, a Plantagenet crown, is a reminder that the crest has been used by Jersey since the time of Edward I. â€‹

January 9Anniversary of the birthday of Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales
January 20Anniversary of the birthday of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh
March 1
St David's Day (in Wales)
March 10
Anniversary of the birthday of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
March 10
The day appointed as Commonwealth Day
March 17
St Patrick's Day (in Northern Ireland)
April 9
His Majesty's wedding day
April 23
St George's Day (in England)
​May 6
Coronation Day
May 9
Anniversary of the Liberation of the Island
June 14
Official birthday of His Majesty the King
June 21
Anniversary of the birthday of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales
July 17
Anniversary of the birthday of Her Majesty The Queen
August 15
Anniversary of the birthday of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal
September 8
His Majesty The King's Accession
​November 9​
​Remembrance Day (second Sunday in November)
​November 14
​Anniversary of the birthday of His Majesty the King
​November 30
​St Andrew's Day (in Scotland)

​Flag flying in Jersey​

The Bailiwick of Jersey is a Crown Dependency. It is not part of the UK.

The following guidelines have been produced in order to provide assistance in the flying of flags when requested to do so by the Bailiff by command of His Majesty The King.

Requests to fly flags are made by the Bailiff in respect of government buildings which include:

  • buildings owned by the Crown and the Government
  • Parish Halls
  • all buildings occupied by agencies of the States or other governmental organisations

The request is to fly the Jersey flag which was granted to the Bailiwick by Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Royal Warrant in December 1980. It is the flag assigned by the Sovereign for use in His Bailiwick.

The Union flag may also be flown, although it is to be noted that, where both the Jersey flag and the Union flag are flown, precedence should generally be given to the Jersey flag which the Sovereign has expressly decreed to be the Island’s flag. On certain occasions when it is desired to underline the links between the Bailiwick and the UK, such as Liberation Day and Remembrance Sunday, it is customary to fly the Union flag as well as the Jersey flag.

Whenever the Union flag is flown, care must be exercised to ensure that it is flown the correct way up. The broader white diagonal stripe should be above the red diagonal stripe in the half nearest the flagpole.

Unless advised to the contrary, flags should be flown from 8am until sunset on the day in question. Flags should not be raised in advance of the day, nor should they be allowed to remain up afterwards.

When flags are to be flown at half-mast, this means that the flag should be flown two-thirds of the way up the flagstaff, not half-way up, it should be flown at least the depth of the flag itself from the top of the pole and in some circumstances more, depending on the proportion of the flag to flagstaff.

Requests to fly flags at half-mast will come through the official channel. Those requests are likely to include the days of:

  • funerals of members of the Royal Family
  • the funerals of foreign rulers
  • the funerals of Prime Ministers and ex-Prime Ministers
  • other occasions of national significance

On days when a request to fly flags coincides with funerals or other sombre occasions, the presumption is that flags should be flown normally unless a specific instruction is given to fly them at half-mast.

Flags may be flown on other occasions in addition to those specified. However, care should be taken to ensure that this does not lead to a situation where flags are left up in advance of, or after, official flag days.

It is understood that the flying of flags over a weekend, given that raising them in advance is not acceptable, may result in difficulties for certain Government departments. It is a matter for the discretion of those departments but the Bailiff hopes that the nature of the building and the prominence of the flag-pole will be significant considerations in assessing whether or not to fly flags over the week-end. Flags will fly from the States and Royal Court building as seat of the Island’s judiciary and legislature on all official flag days.

Although these notes refer specifically to government buildings, the Bailiff would encourage all Islanders who are able to respond to significant events reflected in the list, to fly the Jersey flag or the Union flag as indicated above.

Image of Jersey flag

Image of Union flag the right way up

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