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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Report into Review of Crown Officers

Produced by the Office of the Chief Executive
Authored by Crown Officers Review Panel and published on 06 Dec 2010
Prepared internally, no external cost


ā€‹ā€‹Review of Crown Officers

An independent review panel was appointed by the States in 2009 to review the roles of Jersey's Crown Officers (Bailiff, Deputy Bailiff, Attorney General and Solicitor General).

The review has considered the Bailiff's roles in the States; as chief justice; and as the 'civic head' of the Island. For the Attorney General, the review has examined his role as head of the prosecution service; legal advisor to the States, Council of Ministers and Scrutiny Panels; and 'titular head' of the Honorary Police. The panel invited written submissions and held public hearings.

The panel presented its report to the States on 6 December 2010 and can be downloaded below. 

Legal opinion

To help its consideration, the panel sought a legal opinion from Mr Rabinder Singh QC on certain Human Rights matters relating to the roles of the Crown Officers. Mr Singh's opinion can also be downloaded below.

Report into Review of Crown Officers
Ā Legal opinion - R Singh QC
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