States reports search results Search States Reports Search Filter by By yearFilter by year2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022000 By departmentBrexitChief Operating OfficeChildren, Young People, Education and SkillsDepartment for the EconomyEmployment, Social Security and HousingExternal RelationsFreedom of InformationHealth and Care JerseyInfrastructure and EnvironmentJustice and Home AffairsNon-executives and legal departmentsOffice of the Chief ExecutiveOther organisationsStrategic Policy, Planning and PerformanceThe Cabinet OfficeTreasury and ExchequerBy document typeAccounts / financialAnnual reportBusiness PlanConsultationDraft lawExam resultsFOI requestGuidancePolicyReportReviewStatisticsStudySurvey Revised North St Helier Masterplan in June 2011 Produced by the Environment (Infrastructure and Environment) Authored by Hopkins Architects and published on 30 Jun 2011 Cost: Ā£45,000.00SummaryāThe North St Helier Masterplan was adopted by the States in Proposition P.73 / 2011 (as amended) on 30 June 2011.This Masterplan takes a pragmatic look at the interventions that can be made in the north of town area and sites that can be developed by the States and also by private developers.Revised North St HelierĀ Masterplan inĀ June 2011 (pages 1 toĀ 9)Revised North St HelierĀ Masterplan inĀ June 2011 (pagesĀ 10 to 18)