07 February 2019

The Council of Ministers have formally adopted the “Government of Jersey” (‘Gouvèrnément d'Jèrri’ in Jèrriais) as the official identity for the government, both in the island and overseas.
This move, which aligns the identity of the government with its legal status, clarifies the differences in roles and responsibilities between the government and the States Assembly, and improves transparency in holding the different branches of the States of Jersey to account.
Before the States of Jersey Law 2005, the States of Jersey was the legal entity encompassing both the Legislature (the States Assembly) and the Executive (government and public administration). Until this point, under Committee-led government, the Assembly, government and administrative departments were all within the same legal body, the States of Jersey.
The 2005 reforms, which created Ministerial government, separated the Executive and administrative departments from the Legislature in law. However, the ‘States of Jersey’ continued to be used as the identity for both the government and the States Assembly, and it remains part of the official name of the States Assembly today.
In July 2014, the Council of Ministers adopted the ‘Government of Jersey’ identity for use by Ministers in business cards, official correspondence and for use overseas, although in Jersey the government and administrative departments continued to use the States of Jersey identity.
In March 2018, the States Assembly approved the P.1 Machinery of Government Law 2018, which formally created the ‘Government of Jersey’ as the legal entity for Ministers and administrative functions, completing the separation of powers and identity that began in 2005.
As a result of the general election, the election of the Council of Ministers and the prioritising of the Common Strategic Policy, work did not begin on how to implement the Government of Jersey identity until late in 2018.
The decision by the Council of Ministers enables the government to adopt the formal Government of Jersey identity, and to cease the use of ‘States of Jersey’ when referring to the Executive and administrative departments. The identity is the one adopted in 2014 by the previous Council of Ministers, following guidance from the College of Arms and the Garter King of Arms, and is in Jersey Flag red. It uses the historic shield and crown as the crest. These feature on the Jersey Flag, which was approved by the States Assembly in 1979 and proclaimed by the Queen in 1980.
The Council also agreed to adopt the Jèrriais ‘Gouvèrnément d'Jèrri’ parallel identity where appropriate.
Jersey’s Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: “This change provides greater clarity about what the different bodies within the States of Jersey are and what they do. The Government of Jersey refers to Ministers and administrative departments, providing a clear distinction between their identity and that of the States Assembly.”
All the design work to make this change is being done in house, at no extra cost. Signs will only be replaced when necessary.
Government of Jersey English identity graphic
Government of Jersey Jèrriais identity graphic