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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Call out for additional health staff

30 March 2020

Coronavirus: Latest news

Health and Community Services are asking for anyone who has recently registered, practiced or retired from health work to now help the health service through the Coronavirus outbreak.

Any person who has practiced within the last three years within the following roles are being asked to get in contact with the health service:

  • Nurses
  • Doctors
  • Dentists
  • Healthcare scientists
  • Pharmacists
  • GPs
  • Public health officers
  • Pathology staff
  • Care and support workers

The Minister for Health and Social Services Deputy Richard Renouf said: "We are urging Islanders to please come forward and offer their invaluable help at this crucial time to protect the Islandā€™s public health.

"We have a strong and dedicated team of health service workers who need your help. We want to prevent our health service becoming overwhelmed during this epidemic. I call on those of you who have relevant experiences in health care settings to please come forward and strengthen our fight against this virus. If we come together now, we can lessen its impact and help save lives."

Those with the necessary skills, will be supported to assist health colleagues in a range of areas dependent on experience, from direct patient care to supporting the helpline team. Health and Community Services will be collating the contacts of islanders who come forward and then identify the most appropriate areas in which they can be redeployed.

Healthcare professionals over the age of 65 and/or with underlying health conditions will be risk assessed to ensure they are fit enough to work.

More information on how to submit details is available here.

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