30 January 2020

Health and Community Services has issued advice and guidance in response to the rapidly evolving 2019-nCoV (Novel Coronavirus) situation.
A dedicated page on the Government of Jersey website provides information about the virus, details of affected areas, and what to do if you have recently returned from one of these areas, as well as advice on travel and Jersey’s response to the situation.
There are currently no confirmed Coronavirus cases in the UK, and no suspected or confirmed cases in Jersey.
Jersey's Consultant in Communicable Disease, Dr Ivan Muscat, said: “This is a rapidly evolving situation and we are working with other departments as part of our response to this respiratory virus.
"Transmission of the virus across China is increasing, as it has outside of China, and there may be undiagnosed cases in the UK, so it would be a prudent precaution for Islanders to take the simple measures outlined below to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. These, of course, include hand and respiratory hygiene.
“The cross-Government review group met this morning, and will continue to do so on a weekly basis, to determine if any further steps need to be undertaken. In the meantime, we want to reassure islanders that we will continue to update them as the situation develops. There have been no suspected or confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV in Jersey to date.”
Islanders can help prevent the spread of the respiratory illness by:
- avoiding close contact with people who are sick and have travelled to an area affected by the 2019-nCoV
- avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- washing their hands frequently with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser
- covering their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using tissues only once and disposing of them promptly and carefully
- keeping horizontal surfaces and touch points (like light switches) clean with normal cleaning products like detergent and water
Anyone who has travelled from Wuhan, Hubei or mainland China in the last 14 days and has a fever, cough or shortness of breath should contact their GP immediately.
Those who are very unwell are asked to phone 999 and tell the ambulance service about their symptoms and travel history.
Islanders who suspect they may have the new Coronavirus are asked not to go to the Emergency Department at the General Hospital, or their GP, unannounced.
Anyone who has returned from Wahun, Hubei or the whole of mainland China is asked to self-isolate at home for 14 days.