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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Give us your feedback

​​​​​​​​Tell us how we did

​​To keep improving the services we offer, we need your feedback.​

When you’ve interacted with any Government of Jersey service or department, we want to know how we did, so that we know where we’re doing well and where we need to make improvements.

You can make a complaint, give us a compliment or make a comment or suggestion as to how we can improve.​

  • your feedback will be assigned to the right person so that it can be managed or investigated in the right way
  • if you make a complaint and leave your details with us, we’ll keep you informed of the progress in whichever way you’d like us to contact you
  • all feedback will be handled in line with our Customer Feedback Policy

Send feedback

Child friendly feedback policy

​Here is a child friendly version of the feedback policy​ and how to make a compliment, complaint, comment or suggestion.​


​​Rate our service

If you’d like to rate a Government of Jersey service you’ve used within the last seven days, you can complete our ‘rate our service’ survey.

This survey provides an opportunity to give less detailed, quick, and simple feedback.

Ratings will be used to review where we’re doing well and where we need to focus on making improvements, and no follow up contact will be made with you.

Rate our service

Our commitment

At the Government of Jersey, we are committed to continually improving the services we provide to our community. Hearing about people's experiences of using our services is one of the ways we learn about what's working, as well as where we need to improve.

We strive to offer a high standard of service to the people of Jersey and value your feedback, whether it's about what we've done well or where we can do better.

All complaints, compliments, comments and suggestions we receive will be handled in accordance with our Customer feedb​ack policy. This ensures that your feedback is heard, concerns are addressed in the right way, and that we can make meaningful improvements to the services we deliver.​

How we use your feedback

We use your feedback to keep improving the services we offer

Find out more on what we do with your feedback.​

Contact the Customer Experience Team

You can provide any feedback using the feedback form above. For any additional requirements or queries you can also contact the Customer Experience team directly:

Customer feedback summary

The customer feedback summary provides the volumes and types of feedback we ​receive each year.

It details:

  • how the feedback was received
  • actions taken in response
  • the main themes of complaints and their outcomes

It also outlines how many complaints were addressed at each of our 3 stages.

Customer Feedback Su​mmary 2024

Customer Feedback Summary 2023​

Annual Service Performance Measures​​

​Service Performance Measures for government departments provide a detailed overview, on an annual basis, of the​ delivery of key services in areas including health, education, customer services, community safety and criminal justice.​

Annual Service Performance Measures

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