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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Typeface guidelines

ā€‹Primary typeface: Proxima Nova

We use the Proxima Nova typeface on User research shows that this typeface is the easiest to read.

Various font weights are used to provide different style elements and emphasis. has a licence to use Proxima Nova. If you're developing a third party service on a different domain you may need a separate licence from the Adobe Typekit website.

Proxima Nova regular

Proxima Nova semibold

Proxima Nova bold

Adding emphasis

Emphasis is highlighted by using the bold and red or both.

We do not use the italic version of the Proxima Nova font online. This is to improve accessibility for users.

It is acceptable to use the italic version of the Proxima Nova typeface in various weights when producing printed materials such as leaflets and roller banners.

Fall-back typeface: Arial

If we can't use use Proxima Nova for licensing reasons, or if an online substitute is needed, we use Arial instead. uses Arial as its standard typeface. It helps load more quickly than if Proxima Nova was used.

Arial regular

Arial bold

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