​​​Events calendar
More events will be added to this list throughout the year.
Tuesday 12 March 2024
Royal Jersey Showground | Higher Education Fair | Learn about university courses, apprenticeships, gap years and workplace training from a range of representatives. View our exhibitors and find more information on Higher Education Fair.
Thursday 2 May 2024 Royal Jersey Showground | Jersey Skills Show
| You can find the list of exhibitors on Jersey Skills Show.
During half term and summer holidays | Skills Camps | Find upcoming camps and book your space on Skills Jersey Eventbrite​.
Jersey Skills Show
The Jersey Skills Show features over 100 exhibitors from different industries across the Island.
The show is open to:
- students
- people changing career
- anyone at any stage of their professional journey
You’ll be able to explore on or off-Island career pathways and job opportunities, education, training, and career options.
Find more information including which organisations are exhibiting at the
Jersey Skills Show.
If you’re an employer and want to take part in the event contact Skills Jersey.
Higher Education Fair
The fair hosts UK, local and international universities and employers offering Degree Apprenticeships. It gives you the opportunity to find out about courses, accommodation and the support they offer.
You'll explore higher education options including:
- university programs
- apprenticeships
- gap year possibilities
- workplace training
Meeting different organisations and representatives can help your research or define your choices.
Many students will attend the Higher Education Fair in their school day. Parents can also go with them after school.
Find more information including the organisations attending on
Higher Education on Jersey Skills Show.
If you would like to exhibit at the fair contact Skills Jersey.
Skills Camps
Skills Camps are a fund and engaging way for students in Year 7 to 11 to experience different ​jobs and careers.
This can help you make your GCSE choices or post-16 applications.
The camps are ran by professionals working in the industry and include, for example:
- Business Entrepreneurship
- Culinary Skills
- Hair and Beauty
- Construction
The camps take place during:
- February and May half-term
- the first and second week of the Easter holidays
- the first and second week of the summer holidays
Dates can change. Find upcoming camps and book your space on
Skills Jersey Eventbrite.
Advertise your event
If you’re a local employer you can share your career events with Skills Jersey.
This can help you:
- promote your event
- reach schools and students
- supports the Island’s educational community
- inspire the next generation of professionals
Send us your event details and we’ll add it to the Skills Jersey calendar. You’ll also be part of our network so it gets promoted alongside other careers and education events.​