The latest census in Jersey was Sunday 21 March 2021.
The total resident population of Jersey was 103,267 which:
- includes 2,205 residents of Jersey who were absent from the Island on the day of the census
- excludes 480 short-term visitors to the Island who were present on the day of the census
The 2021 census report covers the following chapters:
- total population and net migration
- population by age, sex and parish
- population characteristics
- households and housing
- health characteristics
- employment
- education
- transport
Report on the 2021 Jersey Census
You can find additional information not included in the main report in the following documents.
Detailed place of birth data table
Population and eligible voters by electoral district data table
Presentation on first census results
You can find detailed analysis for each of the Island parishes in the parish profile reports:
Grouville parish profileYou can find the data tables on open data for the:
2011 census
Report on the 2011 Jersey Census
Visual report on the 2011 Jersey Census
Interactive 2011 census map tool
Previous census
You can find census reports from 1821 to 2001 on Jersey Archive.