29 March 2019

The Chief Minister, Senator John le Fondré, has made the following statement:
On the evening of 28 March, the Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (Deputy Montfort Tadier), sent an email to a number of States Members, calling for a Government employee to be “removed from States Employment” and suggesting that a number of Members “back a proposition to this effect”.
The Assistant Minister copied the named employee into this email.
It is clear that the Assistant Minister is in breach of the Ministerial Code of Conduct, in particular paragraph 19, which states:
“Ministers and Assistant Ministers have a duty to give fair consideration and weight to the advice of officers; must uphold the political impartiality of officers and not ask them to act in a way which would conflict with their responsibilities and obligations; and should act with courtesy and respect at all times toward officers, recognising their obligations as a good employer, for example, in promoting an environment that excludes bullying and discrimination and supports the open expression of views. In turn, officers have a duty to show the same consideration to Ministers and Assistant Ministers, recognising the authority of the ministerial office.”
This action is wholly inappropriate and is clearly harmful to the individual named. It is an action that in unworthy of a Minister, Assistant Minister or indeed any Member of the Assembly.
The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and I met with Deputy Tadier at 10.15 today, and informed him that, given the severity of the matter, we decided to suspend him as an Assistant Minister with immediate effect, and to request him to retract his comments and to apologise unreservedly.
The Assistant Minister’s suspension took effect immediately and will remain in place until the end of the States sitting of the week beginning 20 May 2019.
We have informed the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee of the States Assembly, and the Chairman of Reform Jersey.​