31 January 2020

The Government of Jersey has issued travel advice for Islanders, in response to the rapidly evolving 2019-nCoV (Novel Coronavirus) situation.
On Thursday 30 January the World Health Organization classified new Coronavirus as a health emergency of international concern.
There are currently two confirmed Coronavirus cases in the UK, and no suspected or confirmed cases in Jersey.
Islanders who have returned from affected areas of China in the last 14 days are asked to:
- stay indoors and avoid contact with other people, as they would with other flu viruses
- phone the GP and explain any symptoms and recent travel
- avoid work, school and other public areas
- avoid visitors to their homes
- avoid using public transport or taxis
- be vigilant about hand washing and respiratory hygiene (using tissues)
Islanders are asked to follow this advice even if they do not have symptoms of the virus, which include fever, cough and shortness of breath.
If Islanders must undertake essential travel to China they are advised to:
- regularly wash hands or use alcohol gel
- avoid close contact with sick people and sick animals
- avoid visiting wet or live markets with animals and their droppings
Banners setting out this information will be on display at Jersey Airport and Elizabeth Harbour, and advice for patients will be on display in GP surgeries and in the Hospitalā€™s Emergency Department.
Islanders who suspect they may have contracted Coronavirus are asked not to go to the Emergency Department at the General Hospital, or their GP, unannounced.
A page on the Government of Jersey website provides information about the virus, details of affected areas, advice on travel, and information on Jerseyā€™s response to the situation.