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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Essential air travel service

01 April 2020

The Government of Jersey is close to agreeing a contract with Blue Islands to maintain a reliable and regular essential air service between Jersey and the UK.

This service, which will remain in place until further notice, will be accessible only to passengers who meet essential travel criteria.

Restrictions on who can travel to and from the Island are currently in place. Therefore, only passengers in the following categories will be able to book and board Blue Islands flights until further notice:

  • Essential workers travelling to/from Jersey for the purposes of their work. Further guidance on the definitions of essential workers can be found here
  • Those travelling to/from non-emergency medical treatment in the UK
  • Those travelling on urgent compassionate grounds
  • Those travelling to reach a permanent home in, or via, the UK or in Jersey

Passengers who do not fall into the above categories should not attempt to book or travel.

Government officers are also liaising with the governments of other jurisdictions to enable non-British nationals who are currently in Jersey to travel back to their country of nationality. A direct flight from Jersey to Warsaw is scheduled for Saturday, 4 April, and the Government of Jersey is helping the Polish Government to put the arrangements in place, and is providing financial support for individuals who would otherwise not be able to afford the flight.

The Minister for External Relations, Senator Ian Gorst, said: β€œThe Government of Jersey is happy to support fellow governments in their global repatriation attempts. In this case we are particularly pleased to support our Polish community to be wherever they feel most at home during this crisis, whether that be Poland or Jersey.”

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