Applications are open
You can now apply for the Community Cost Bonus and Cold Weather Bonus.
Do not apply until you've received your 2023 tax liability.
βApply to claim your bonus
We've been able to pay some bonuses automatically. If you have been paid you would have received a letter from us. Check if you have before you aβpply.β
If you have already received your bonus and apply again, your application will be rejected.
Apply for the Community Costs Bonus and Cold Weather Bonus
Community Costs Bonus
The Community Costs Bonus is an annual pβayment to help households with cost of living pressures.β
The Community Cost Bonus for 2024 is Β£516.50.
Who can claim the Community Cost Bonus
A household can claim the bonus when all of the following apply:
- at least 1 adult member has been resident in Jersey for the last 5 years
- the household had a combined tax liability of less than Β£2,735 for 2023
- no member of the household within the previous 7 days of application had an open
Income Support Claim.
Who is included in a household
A household is defined in the same way as it is for Income Support purposes. A household can be any of the following:
Cold Weather Bonus
The Cold Weather Bonus is designed to help pensioner households, who did not have a Tax liability for 2023, with the cost of heating during the winter months.
Only 1 Cold Weather Bonus can be claimed per household.
The Cold Weather Bonus is paid in 2 instalments:
- in January, for the months of October to December
- in May, for the months of January to April
This benefit is available every year from October to April.
The payment will vary depending on the monthly temperature. You're likely to receive higher payments during colder months, which replaces the previous temporary fixed amount of Β£70.β
A cold weather month is defined as a month where the aggregate daily temperature is below 15.5Β°βC.β
βWho can claim Cold Weather Bonus
To claim the Cold Weather Bonus, you must be eligible for the Community Costs Bonus. In addition there are 3 more requirements to receive the Cold Weather Bonus:
- on the first day of the cold weather month, your household must include an adult who is 65 or over and have reached pensionable age in Jersey and is either receiving a Jersey old age pension or has 10 years' continuous residency before making the application
- you or your spouse or partner must either own your home or be responsible for a lease (people paying for board or lodgings only won't qualify for the bonus)
- no adult in the household should have received a cold weather payment from Income Support for the cold weather month
If you meet these conditions for only some of the months covered by the bonus, you'll be able to claim a lower amount based on the months that you're eligible for.