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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Electric Vehicle Charger Incentive (EVCI)

​​​​​​​​Eligible applicants can apply for ÂŁ350 towards the cost of an electric vehicle smart charger. Applications for the Electric Vehicle Charger Incentive (EVCI) may be made from 29 August 2023 until further notice.

This incentive is to support the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

This webpage constitutes as the terms and conditions of this incentive.

Who can apply

This incentive is available for both individuals and small businesses. If you’re interested in applying then you must contact an approved electrician. Approved electricians have to apply on your behalf for you to use this service. 

To be eligible to apply for the Electric Vehicle Charger Incentive (EVCI), individuals and small businesses must:  

  • be a Jersey resident or small business operating in Jersey  
  • be the owner of the property in Jersey where the charger is to be installed 
  • be making a new purchase. Retrospective payments for charger purchases made prior to the scheme launching on 29 August will not be made
  • apply for the incentive before installation work commences. It is not possible to apply for an incentive for a charger that has already been wholly or partly installed
  • not have received funding for another charger through the EVCI to which the application relates   

A small business is defined as having 3 or fewer fleet vehicles for the purposes of the EVCI. 

Funding available

Eligible individuals and small businesses can apply for a incentive of ÂŁ350 towards the cost of an electric vehicle smart charger. Chargers are limited to 1 per property. Only 1 incentive per domestic or commercial property will be approved. Landlords can apply for up to 10 incentives, however only 1 charger is allowed to be installed at each premises.

​Electric vehicle chargers included within the scheme

All chargers purchased under the EVCI must: 

  • appear on the list of approved smart chargers published by the UK Government  
  • be installed by an approved electrician  
  • be configured to incorporate pre-set default off-peak charging hours of 12am to 7am or times as defined by the relevant electricity tariff. Defaulting charging hours to overnight will encourage vehicle charging when demand on the electricity network is low. This can be overridden by the user to allow charging at any time  

The cost of chargers will vary depending on the model selected and requirements for its usage. The cost of installation will also vary from property to property. It's recommended tha individuals and small businesses should obtain several quotes from approved electricians before applying. 

There is no additional contribution under the EVCI towards the cost of upgrading the energy supply to a property or the cost of installation of the charger. 

Find out more about fire safety when charging electric vehicles at the Fire Protection Association.

How to apply

Islanders or small businesses interested in the EVCI should: 

  1. confirm they meet the eligibility criteria for the EVCI  
  2. contact an approved electrician   
  3. agree a price and enter into a contract for the smart charger purchase, supply and installation with the chosen electrician   
  4. instruct their chosen electrician to make an application for the EVCI on their behalf 

The electrician will apply for the incentive on the individual’s or small business’ behalf through an online application form. Access to the online application form will be made available to approved electricians by the Scheme Administrator. 

The individual or small business will then be contacted by the Scheme Administrator to confirm all information within the application is correct. The individual or small business must also confirm their consent to the application, their consent to be bound by these Terms and Conditions if their application is successful, and their consent to their data being processed in accordance with the privacy notice.

It's understood that some individuals do not use emails or may not be able to access the online service to provide their consent. In this case, the Scheme Administrator will contact them by telephone or post.    

Separate applications need to be submitted for Landlords wishing to apply for multiple properties.

Application approval criteria

The Scheme Administrator has responsibility for checking and approving applications made for the EVCI. 

Subject to compliance with these Terms and Conditions, an application may be approved by the Scheme Administrator (in its discretion) if: 

  • no previous successful applications have been made for the EVCI for an individual or small business at the address stated in the application
  • no more than 9 previous successful EVCI applications, each for a separate premises in Jersey, have been made for a landlord 
  • an Electricity Supply Enquiry has been submitted to Jersey Electricity by the electrician for the property. A copy of the confirmation letter from Jersey Electricity confirming the additional load required as a result of installing the electric charger has been provided to the Scheme Administrator by the electrician 

When a successful individual or small business applicant is sent confirmation by the Scheme Administrator that their application for an incentive under the Scheme has been approved, a contract will be formed between the successful individual or small business applicant and the Government of Jersey on and subject to these Terms and Conditions (as may be amended from time to time by the Government of Jersey) in respect of the payment of the agreed incentive.  

However, at no time will a contract exist between the Government of Jersey and the successful individual or small business applicant in relation to the electric charger itself or its supply and installation, as these matters will be governed by the manufacturer’s terms and conditions and the applicant’s agreement with their approved electrician.  Accordingly, the Government of Jersey accepts no liability arising out of or in connection with any electric charger purchased using an incentive under the Scheme or its supply and installation.

If the supply and installation of the electric charger at a premises is not completed within 16 weeks after the application has been approved, the incentive will expire in respect of that premises, and the individual or small business will need to reapply. Any reapplications submitted once the 16 week period has expired, must be completed before the installation takes place. Applications for chargers which have already been installed, even if previously approved, will be classed as retrospective and will be rejected.

Before an application can be made on their behalf for the EVCI, the individual or small business will need to provide their approved electrician with proof of:

  • ID and date of birth from a Jersey driving licence or passport
  • address from a utility bill, bank statement or letter from tax or social security office, dated within the last 3 months
  • business registration if applying as a business

Approved electricians must ensure they have received the above documents and verified the following before an application for the EVCI is made on behalf of an individual or small business:

  • the identity, address and (if applicable) business registration of the applicant
  • all the other information required for completion of the online application form

Payment of incentives​​

Where an application is approved the value of the agreed incentive will be paid directly to the electrician by the Government of Jersey. The individual or small business will be responsible for paying the remainder of ​the cost of purchasing, supplying and installing the electric charger to the electrician including GST. 

The value of the incentive will only be paid once:

  • the electric charger has been installed at the premises stated in the approved application
  • the individual or small business has paid their proportion of the costs to the electrician 
  • a redemption form has been submitted to the Scheme Administrator by the electrician following installation of the charger

GST will not be payable on the incentive value. 

Once the redemption form has been approved by the Scheme Administrator and the Scheme Administrator has informed the Government of Jersey, payment will be made within 2 working days. 

Fraudulent applications or claims

The Government of Jersey reserves the right to audit approved electricians and applicants to ensure compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

Where fraudulent consent or applications are made, the application will be rejected, and the case may be referred to the States of Jersey Police.  

Where an application has been approved and an incentive has been paid, and these Terms and Conditions are subsequently found to have been breached, the Government of Jersey reserves the right to recover any fraudulently obtained funding. The matter will be referred to the States of Jersey Police and future incentive applications refused. 

Approved electricians

The current approved electricians for the EVCI are:

Approval process for electricians 

If you are an electrician and would like to become part of the EVCI, contact the Climate Emergency team on

To become an approved electrician for the Electric Vehicle Charger Incentive you must: 

  • be a Jersey-based organisation  
  • be signed up to an approved Competent Person Scheme, as required by Building Bye-law 15(6) and registered with either the NICEIC or NAPIT 
  • successfully complete the registration and due diligence process  
  • agree to abide by the Electric Vehicle Charger Incentive - Agreement for Services  – Electricians
  • abide by all relevant and up-to-date legislation including the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002, the Building Bye-Laws (Jersey) 2007 and all health and safety legislation and fire safety requirements for vehicle charger installations 
  • conform to latest British Standards including BS7671 regulations
  • install the charger on a dedicated fully rated circuit from the fuse board meeting all electricity supply requirements, including being an O-PEN device
  • provide up-to-date advice on the safe charging of vehicles to customers, with reference to fire safety requirements

Roles across organisations

Role of Government  

The Carbon Neutral Roadmap provides an outline of the EVCI. The Roadmap was agreed by the States Assembly in April 2022.  

References in these Terms and Conditions to the Government of Jersey are references to the Government of Jersey acting by the Minister for Environment or where the context requires, any administration of the Government of Jersey.

The Government of Jersey is responsible for:  

  • setting up the EVCI 
  • creating the Terms and Conditions 
  • providing a complaints process  
  • processing payments  

Role of Jersey Electricity  

Jersey Electricity (JE) is the Scheme Administrator which has been engaged to administer the Electric Vehicle Charger Incentive on behalf of the Government of Jersey. JE holds responsibility for incentive processing and approvals.  

The Scheme Administrator’s functions include but are not limited to:  

  • processing and approving or refusing applications  
  • processing and approving or refusing payment redemptions 
  • reporting on delivery of the EVCI to the Government of Jersey
  • sharing access to the online application form with approved electricians
  • communicating with approved electricians and applicants in relation to the Scheme

Role of individual or small business

Individuals or small businesses must:  

  • confirm eligibility details and provide the required documentation to their approved electrician 
  • ensure any information or confirmation they provide as part of the application process is true, accurate and complete 
  • confirm their consent for an incentive application to be made on their behalf by their chosen electrician   
  • reply to the Scheme Administrator to confirm their consent to the application, these Terms and Conditions and the processing of their personal data 
  • take part in audit and compliance processes as requested  
  • make payment to their approved electrician as agreed  
  • take responsibility for any deposits required     

Role of electricians

Electricians are responsible for: 

  • completing the registration process to obtain approval to participate in the EVCI 
  • confirming they are registered on one of the specified Competent Person Schemes  
  • acting as the primary contact for individuals and small businesses wishing to apply
  • submitting applications and paperwork required
  • confirming all information provided is true, accurate and complete and that the application meets the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions
  • purchasing and installing smart chargers which comply with at least the minimum specification 
  • submitting Electricity Supply Enquiry application forms to JE
  • engaging with audit and compliance processes as requested

Who to contact about the scheme

Individual or small business

As an individual or small business: 

  • peak to an approved electrician to apply for the incentive. A list of approved electricians can be found above
  • if you would like to cancel an application made on your behalf, please contact your approved electrician
  • if you're unhappy with and aspect of the EVCI, in the first instance contact your electrician. If the situation remains unresolved, contact
  • you can give us your feedback


As an electrician: 

  • if you're an approved electrician and have questions about an application you have made, contact the Scheme Administrator 
  • if you are an electrician wishing to be added to the approved electrician list, email

If you have questions about the scheme in general, contact

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