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Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition

​​About the Access to Work Grant

Y​ou can apply for the grant if you have a disability or long-term health condition and:

  • need funds for aids or equipment at work
  • would like to start working
  • aim to return to work or remain in work

It doesn’t matter how much you earn, how many hours y​ou work or what industry you work in.

Getting the grant won't affect any other benefits you receive and you won't have to pay it back.

​You can use the grant to buy:

  • specialist equipment
  • assistive software​

You can't use the grant for:

  • medical conditions or adaptations not recognised by National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE)​
  • employer training and support
  • travel costs or adjustments to transport
  • adaptations to buildings and structures
  • maintenance or ongoing subscriptions costs
  • specialist medical assessments
  • retrospective costs if aids or equipment have already been purchased

What you buy with the grant is yours. You can keep it if you leave your job.​

The grant is only to help you with the initial purchase. You won’t receive further support for repairs or replacements. If you have any issues with the equipment, you’ll need to contact the supplier directly.

You should speak to your employer first if you're finding areas of your job difficult. They could refer you for an assessment if they have access to an Occupational Health. A GP or hospital specialist may also be able to advise.

Who can apply and what you need

You can apply for the grant if you’re:

  • aged 16 or over
  • hold the residential status of Entitled or Entitl​ed to Work
  • employed, or have proof that you’ve been offered a job
  • self-employed for 12 months or more. You must be able to provide proof, such as bank statements and your tax return, that the profit you make from your business is enough for you to live on​

You must also provide in writing, from your GP, consultant or Occupational Therapist:

  • proof of your recognised medical condition
  • clinical evidence of your recommended adjustments

Your employer must have also confirmed they:

  • can’t help financially with the adjustments you need
  • are willing for you to use the aids or equipment at work​

Applying for the grant

You can apply as many times as you need during the year. The maximum amount you can receive in a year is ÂŁ5,000.

You can’t apply for the grant if you’re doing a work placement which has no guarantee to give you a job.

We’ll assess your application and let you know if you can receive a grant. If you don’t qualify, we’ll let you know why. Our decision is final and you can’t appeal.

Apply for the Access to Work grant

Buying and delivering the equipment

We'll order the equipment and aids for you if your grant​ is approved. Your employer will also need to give their approval.

We'll contact you to arrange delivery.

Your employers responsibility under the law

Under the law, your employer must take reasonable steps to make sure your disability is not a disadvantage at work compared to non-disabled employees.

These steps are often called reasonable adjustments and can involve a range of changes to your work including:

  • physical changes to the workplace
  • providing aids or adaptations to employees

Your employer should consider:

  • nature and extent of your disability
  • impact on your job performance
  • type of adjustment you need
  • cost of adjustments
  • practicality and effectiveness of providing the adjustments
  • reasonableness of the adjustment
  • your preference
  • alternative solutions available

Getting the right aid or equipment can have a positive impact on your performance at work. It can help you work effectively and improve the productivity for you and your employer.

Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013​

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