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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Nurse standing by man sitting in a chairNurse standing by man sitting in a chair

Changes to your Income Support

  • If you qualify for long-term care there will be changes to your Income Support. The changes will depend on whether you're receiving care in your own home or living in a care home.

  • You can receive Income Support payments and long-term care payments at the same time, if you receive care in your own home.

Income Support and long-term care

Income Support and long-term care are two different benefits, designed to support people in different ways. 

The Income Support personal impairment component and long-term care benefit both help with the cost of care. However, you cannot receive both at the same time. If you qualify for both, you need to choose which one is best for you.

If you're living at home 

If you're living at homeā€Æand receive long-term care benefit, you will not be able to apply for Income Support impairment component. However, you may still apply for Income Support benefit towards other expenses.

If you already have the Income Support impairment component, this will stop. Income Support will continue to help with your living expenses.

If you're living in a care home

You will no longer receive Income Support and your care costs will be covered by long-term care benefit directly.

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