​​​​​​Apply for Home Responsibility Protection (HRP)
Complete the form below to apply for HRP contribution credits.
Apply for contribution credits
About Home Responsibility Protection
If you stay at home to care for a child under school age, or you work 20 hours or less per week, you can apply to protect your Social Security contribution record with a credit called Home Responsibility Protection.
This protects your entitlement to a pension and Survivor’s Benefit while you’re not working.
It doesn’t cover you for sickness or parental benefits.
Who can apply
You can claim HRP if:
you're aged 18 or over but under pension age
you've been living in Jersey for the last 6 months
you work 20 hours or less per week
- you earn less than ÂŁ1,164 per month in 2024
you stay at home to look after a child under school age
you live with the child you're looking after
the child you're caring for attends school or nursery for 20 hours or less per week
the child is cared for by a registered ​​childminder
You can claim HRP for a maximum of 10 years over your working life.
To receive HRP, you can be any of the following:
somebody living with and looking after the child
Only 1 adult in the family can claim HRP.
Parental benefits
You cannot claim HRP while you’re receiving parental benefits. However, you can still apply for HRP so that the credits start as soon as your maternity benefit ends.
If you're receiving HRP and have another child, you need to check if you're eligible for parental benefits.
Parental and family support
Working and claiming HRP
You can work up to 20 hours a week and still claim HRP.
If you work more than 20 hours a week, contact us.
If you become employed and pay Class 1 contributions, we’ll automatically stop your HRP credits for the months you're working.
Back dating HRP credits
We can back date your HRP credits.
Contact us for more information on how to do this.
If your claim is not allowed
If we decide you're not eligible for HRP credits, we’ll write to you to tell you. We’ll also tell you what to do if you’re not happy with the decision.
If you’re not eligible for HRP, you’ll be expected to pay Social Security contributions.
About contributions
Change in circumstances while you're claiming
We need to know if:
the number of hours you work changes
the amount that you earn changes
you and your child change address
another child joins the family
you and your child leave the island for 28 days or more
you or your child go into hospital for 28 days or more