Who qualifies for a free television licence
You may qualify for a free TV licence if:
you’re aged 75 or over
your income is below:
- £20,700 for a single person
£33,200 for a married couple, a civil partnership or cohabiting couple
you live in a house or a flat
If you’re aged under 75 but permanently live with someone who qualifies, you can claim a free TV licence on their behalf.
When to apply
You can apply for a free TV licence from the date your turn 75 years old.
How to apply
Complete the application form below to apply for a free TV licence.
Free TV licence for people aged over 75
To complete the form, you'll need your ‘notice of renewal’ for a TV licence or your actual TV licence.
You can either:
- upload these items when you complete the form
- send them to us in the post
- drop them into the secure post box outside the Customer Hub at Union Street
If you do not receive an old age pension, we may ask to see your birth certificate. We can only accept original certificates or certified copies, confirming an approved authority has seen the original document.
If you can't complete the form yourself, you can ask someone to complete it for you.
You can also contact us for support.
Once your application is approved
The BBC licencing authority will send you your new free TV licence automatically.
Each year moving forward, you'll automatically receive a new free TV licence. You will not need to make any more claims.
If you have already paid towards your current TV licence and you're now eligible for the free TV licence, then the BBC licencing authorities will refund you the difference directly.
Appealing a decision
If your application for a free TV licence is rejected and you want to appeal you can call us on +44 (0) 1534 444444 or email socialsecurity@gov.je.