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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

How to become a registered childcare provider

​​​​​​​​Registration overview

The Day Care of Children (Jersey) Law, 2002 states that an individual or organisation must apply to become registered if the intention is to:

  • care for children aged from birth to 12 years old without the parent/carer being present
  • receive a reward for such service (for example get paid or receive gift)
  • look after children for more than 2 hours in any day or 6 days in any year without parent/guardian being present


In some cases, it is not required to be registered. This applies if:

  • you do not receive a reward for your service
  • you are caring for children for less than two hours in any day (even if you receive a reward)
  • the children being cared for are close relatives (for example grandchildren, niece or nephew, brother or sister) (even if you do receive a reward)
  • you are a nanny or an au-pair. See Childcare and Early Years Service section for definitions
  • you are regulated by an external body which fulfils the regulatory requirements under the Day Care of Children (Jersey) Law, 2002

Note that if you are registered and looking after the children of close relatives in your own home for a reward, they can claim childcare tax relief. See child care tax relief.

Registration Fees

Currently there are no registration fees.

Requirements and quality development

Childcare providers must meet standards to ensure compliance with the Day Care of Children (Jersey) Law, 2002 and become registered. The Early Years, Childhood and Childminders Statutory Requirements set those standards to also be maintained throughout registration. In addition, the Early Years Matters and Childhood Matters Quality Frameworks support providers in developing their practice (they can also be used by Childminders).

Nursery Education Fund (NEF)

All children are eligible to receive Government-funded nursery education hours in the academic year they turn four. This applies to school nurseries or registered early years settings in the private or voluntary sector who have joined the scheme. Early Years settings caring for this age group must meet requirements to qualify for the NEF scheme. Once registered, the CEYS registration officer contacts the NEF team to take the process forward with the setting.

Childminders are currently not part of the NEF scheme.

How to become registered

Before you start the application process, read and understand the Day Care of Children (Jersey) Law, 2002, and the Statutory Requirements for the type of provision you wish to register. Registration requirements need to be met prior to completing your application to register.

Find out how registration is maintained and relevant documents can be found in information for registered providers.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks

All individuals working in a registered provision or living in a registered childminder's home require an enhanced DBS check. There are different processes and requirements involved depending on the type of childcare you provide. Refer to the sections below for more details.

Health Declaration

All practitioners have to complete a Health Declaration to assess their suitability to care for children.

Accredited nanny

The Jersey Child Care Trust runs the accreditation scheme for those people wishing to become an Accredited Nanny. See Jersey Child Care Trust for more information.

Early years or childhood provision

Safer recruitment

When employing staff, provisions must follow the Safer Recruitment Guidance. This provides details on pre-employment screening, record keeping and other requirements surrounding recruitment.

Safer Recruitment Guidance

DBS checks

All staff, including volunteers or employees working indirectly with children, must have an Enhanced DBS check carried out prior to working at a childcare setting. Information and details can be found in the Safer Recruitment Procedure.

Personal declaration

As part of the pre-employment screening, a Personal Declaration must be completed by individuals to be employed in any settings.

Jersey Fire and Rescue Service

The structure of the building to be used as a provision needs to meet a set of fire safety regulations. Complete the application form below and submit directly to the Jersey Fire and Rescue Service for them to inspect the premises you wish to register.

Application for an inspection of Day Care Facilities

Environmental Health Department

Settings preparing, serving or storing food or snack must follow a set of health and safety regulations. Complete the application form below and submit directly to the Environment Health Department for them to inspect your premises.

Application form for registration of food premises

Prevention and control of infection, guidelines for Early Years and School Settings

Departments contact​

Once considering yourself compliant with the requirements and the law, complete and submit the application to register (Early Years or Childhood provision). You will receive a receipt of your application within 10 working days and a member of our team will be in touch to take it forward.

Site visit

Following receipt of the form, CEYS will arrange a site visit to the premises you wish to register and let you know if we provisionally agree with your application to register. CEYS needs to see at least 2 weeks before the proposed opening date any:

  • changes
  • work to be completed
  • all reports and certificates relating to the premises and staff to be employed

Once your provision is compliant, registration documents will be issued including registration certificate and conditions of registration.


You should consider before applying

  • your ratio: The calculation of the maximum number of children you can care for at any one time will include your own children or any you may be fostering

  • your family needs: Involve family members in your decision as they will have to share your home and time and the presence of another child may affect your family life

The Jersey Association of Child Carers (JACC) works in partnership with CEYS to support applicants and registered childminders. They can give information and advice on the business aspect of childminding.

DBS Checks

Childminders wishing to register and any individuals living in their household who are 16 years of age or older will need to carry a full DBS check. All will have to join the update service to ensure DBS certificates are kept up to date. For more information, visit DBS Update Service. Once the registration is in progress, CEYS be in touch to get the checks done.


Childminders must submit the Application to Register form within two months of completing the Pre-registration course. After submitting the form, the registration process must be completed within 12 months otherwise you will need to go through the registration process again.

Pre-registration course

The first step in becoming registered is the completion of the Pre-registration course online. This will give you information about your responsibilities as a childminder and the registration process. Once completed, you will receive a Pre-registration certificate.

To access this course, email the Learning and Development manager and include:

  • your name in full
  • email address 
  • mark the subject "Pre-registration course booking"

They will email your log on details for you to complete the course. 

Application to register form

Once the Pre-registration certificate has been received you can complete the Application to Register (Childminders) form. You will be prompted in uploading the Pre-registration certificate within this form.

Receipt of your application will be acknowledged within 10 working days and we will also:

  • arrange a visit to your home to assess its suitability for childminding
  • request confirmation from your landlord that you are allowed to childmind on the premises (if applicable)
  • provide documents to assist in bringing your home and practice up to standards
  • send the link to you, and each member of your household who are 16 years or older, to complete the online DBS form
  • carry out all required checks identified in the Pre-registration course. This may include contacting your health visitor (if you have children of 5 years and under), the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), your Parish Connetable and your two referees.

Home visits

There are 2 home visits part of the registration process, one at the start and one at the end to complete the process.

During the first visit, the CEYS officer will document and discuss any actions, issues or changes to be made to meet the safety standards.

Once you have completed all actions identified, checks and training part of the registration process, you will have to contact us to arrange your final visit. You will need to be set up as you would if opened for business. The CEYS officer will let you know if any further actions are required.

Risk assessment

Prior to the home visit, childminders will have to assess the suitability of the premises they wish to use as a provision. The aim is to identify safeguarding risks and take appropriate actions to make their home and environment as safe as possible.

Initial risk assessment for childminders

After registration

Once everything is satisfactory, registration documents will be issued including registration certificate and conditions of registration. When in receipt, you must email your insurance details to CEYS.

Mandatory training

All training listed below is mandatory in the registration process and requires to be completed before childminders can become registered. Prior to accessing these courses, the Application to Register form must be submitted however they can be completed whilst your checks are being approved.

For more information on available professional development see information for registered providers.

​Delivered by/type
​Entry method

CACHE Level 3

Award in preparing to work in home based childcare

Course must be completed and your work submitted for assessment and quality assurance within 8 months of CEYS receiving your registration application.

Self-guided study 

Details sent by CEYS

Around £140 

Business Aspect of Childminding

This will cover the financial sides such as tax, social security, expenses and accounting and partnership with parents and associated paperwork and documents.


One session

Email CEYS


Safeguarding and Child Protection 

This course gives an insight into what safeguarding is and how to recognise the different areas of abuse that children and young people may be at risk from.


Register online


Food Hygiene

Level 2

General food safety 


Email the Learning and Development manager or source your own training


Fire Safety

Requirements for Safety in the home


Email the Learning and Development manager or source your own training


Paediatric First Aid

See Training Directory for the list of approved agencies

Any approved registered provider



Car Seat Safety

General car seat safety


One session

Contact JACC


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