All family members in your household will be involved in the assessment process. Fostering is something the whole family does together.
​​​You and your family have a voice and can make decisions about who you choose to foster. It can take time for a child to build a trusting relationship with a foster carer.
The 'matching' process makes sure that you and the foster child are compatible and can build a relationship together​ in a safe environment.​
Housing, driving licence and employment
If you rent, you need to have your landlord's permission and a spare room available.
You don't need a driving licence or a car to foster. However, you need to think about how you'll safely transport the child around, from school to family meetings and other activities.
Many foster carers work full time, but it's important you have flexibility to properly care for the child's needs. Including during weekends and school holidays.
Age and health
There is no age limit to foster, but you need to be fit and healthy to meet the needs of the child or young person you foster.
​You'll need to have a medical assessment. This is a legal requirement for all applicants.
Pre-existing medical conditions won't necessarily stop you from becoming a foster carer. Many foster carers manage long term conditions such as asthma or diabetes.
You can still foster if you smoke or vape, but you won't be able to foster children aged under 5.
Criminal records and DBS check
You need to tell us about any criminal convictions you have when you apply.
Our team will get an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check done for you and all members of your household aged 18 and over.
The only criminal convictions that would prevent you from fostering are:
- an offence against children
- a sexual offence
Steps to becoming a foster carer
Step 1: Enquiry
Make an enquiry with the fostering and adoption team by calling, emailing, or sending us a message on our Facebook page.
There's also a foster carer enquiry form which you can fill out and email to us. We'll discuss your interest and seek consent to process your enquiry within 2 working days.
Fostering enquiry form
Tel: +44 (0) 1534 443970
Step 2: Initial visit
Once your enquiry is processed, we'll arrange to visit you at home to:
- meet you and all the members of your household
- have an in-depth discussion with you and answer any questions about fostering
- consider what service you may be interested in applying for that works around your availability and lifestyle
- explain the assessment process, support and training available to carers after approval
Step 3: Skills to Foster training
If you want to continue your fostering journey, we'll invite you to attend the next available Skills to Foster training course. This 6-week course covers various aspects of fostering to give you the skill​s and knowledge you need as a carer.
Once you've completed the course, you will be invited to complete an application form.
This can be completed in your own time and sent back to the team by emailing or by post at:
Fostering and Adoption Team
Government of Jersey
Union Street
St Helier
Step 4: Fostering assessment
When we receive your application form, we'll allocate an assessing social worker from the team to complete a fostering assessment with you.
This is where the formal process starts. Your social worker will start a detailed assessment of your suitability to become a foster carer. This is a very in-depth process which involves multiple visits by the social worker to see you and your family over several months.
The assessment will involve various checks which your supervising social worker will explain. These include:
- medical
- personal and professional references
If you have other adult members of your household, they will also be required to undergo key checks.
Step 5: Fostering Panel
Before the Fostering Panel, you will have seen your assessment, and you will know what the social worker is recommending about what fostering role would be best suited to you, your family and your lifestyle.
Your assessment will be presented to the Fostering Panel. We aim to do this within 6 months of your application. The Fostering Panel sits once a month.
You will be invited to attend the Fostering Panel along with your assessing social worker. This is to allow panel members to meet you in person and discuss the recommendation with.
The panel will then decide whether to support the recommendation made. They will notify the Agency Decision Maker of their decision and reasons for this.
The Agency Decision Maker then has 10 working days to make the final decision and recommendations about your suitability to foster.
You will be informed in writing as soon as this decision is reached.
Support and training for foster carers
You will have a team to support you through every step of your fostering journey. We will provide training for you and your family. This starts with the Skills to Foster course and will continue to offer additional training once children are placed in your care.
This includes:
- mandatory courses to give you a solid foundation and understanding of the role
- more advanced training around trauma and therapeutic foster care
As a foster carer you will have access to:
- your own dedicated supervising social worker
- support groups
- fostering buddies
- an extensive training programme
- fun activities throughout the year
- your own fostering association where they can access additional informal support
Fostering support, training and financial allowances​