​About Children's Social Care Services​
Children's Social Care Service, previously known as Children's Services, will ensure children and young people, in Jersey, are safe and thriving through high quality practice against high standards.
Children and young people deserve the greatest level of safety, protection and care. This is difficult for some families. Families may need support from the Children's Social Care Service, other services in the Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department (CYPES) and our partner agencies including the police, health, and adult services.
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach their full potential and children are best supported to grow and achieve within their own families.
Together with our partners, we want to have flexible services which are responsive to children's and families' needs and provide the right level of intervention at the right time.
We are committed to help make Jersey the best place for children and young people to grow-up and be safe.
Departments and services
Children's Social Care Service includes:
Safeguarding and care
- family safeguarding
- children with complex needs
- children in care
- care leavers
- mentoring and participation
Safeguarding and partnerships
- assessment and support
- intensive family support
- intensive youth support
- out of hours support
Stability and permanence
- fostering
- adoption
- children's homes
- short breaks
- supported accommodation
Standard and quality
- independent reviewing officers
- child's voice and independent advocacy
- quality assurance and improvement
- learning and development
- case management systems and informatics
Our aims
Children's Social Care Services aims to:
- safeguard children and promote their development and well-being
- advocate on behalf of children, young people and their families to promote their rights and respond to their wishes
- strive to support children to remain with their family wherever possible
- ensure quality parenting in the right care setting to enable stability and permanence, where children are unable to live with their family
- promote relationships with family when in the child's best interests
- ensure children and young people receive the support they need to thrive in adulthood and beyond
Key outcomes
Our key outcomes are:
- children and young people safe from harm
- children's rights realised and protected, and their voices heard and acted upon
- effective early help
- stability and permanence in care
- care leavers thriving in adulthood
You can contact Children's Social Care Services on 01534 443930 Monday to Thursday between 8.30am and 5pm, or on Friday's between 8.30am and 4.30pm.
Alternatively, you can email childrenandfamilieshub@gov.je.
If you need to contact us out of hours, you can call the hospital switchboard on 01534 442000 and ask for the Children's Social Care Manager.