​How to appeal
If you’ve made a request for a school admission and you’ve had that request denied, you have the right to appeal.
You can request an appeal by emailing education@gov.je or in writing to the Education Department.
What happens next
If a hearing is necessary it will be held by an appeals panel.
The appeals panel will be made up of:
- a senior member of the department who hasn’t been involved in the case
- either the Minister or Assistant Minister for Education
- an independent member of high standing in the community​
The decision of the appeals panel is final and you can’t request a further appeal.
However, if you feel you’ve not had a fair hearing, you may complain to the States of Jersey Complaints Board.
​It’s up to the board whether or not they accept the case and hold a hearing or not.
Appeal timeline
| ​14 February 2025
| 12 March to 13 March​ |
​Year 7
| ​4 March 2025
| ​25 March to 31 March
| ​28 February 2025
| 25 March to 31 March ​ |
Find more information about appeals in the following policies:​​​
School Admission Appeals Policy
Hautlieu 14+ Appeals Policy​