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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Specialist schools and settings

​​Why children and young people go to specialist schools and settings

The needs of most pupils are met in mainstream schools. This is through high quality teaching and special educational needs support.

Every effort is made to ensure that suitable education is provided within a mainstream school.

Some children may need more support and require a more specialist placement. This could be on a full-time, part-time, short term or long term basis.

Special educational needs schools

SchoolNeeds metYear group or age
Mont a l'AbbeLearning difficultiesNursery to 19 years old
La Sente Key Stages 2 and 3

Social emotional and mental health

Years 3 to 9
La Sente Key Stage 4Social emotional and mental health
Years 10 and 11

Specialist centres within mainstream schools

SchoolNeeds metYear group
Bel RoyalPhysical and medicalNursery to Year 6
​Grainville​Autism and social communication​Year 7 to 11
​Haute Vallee​​Autism and social communication​​Year 7 to 11
​St Clement​Deaf and hearing impaired (combined with Le Rocquier school)​Nursery to Year 6
​Le Rocquier​​Deaf and hearing impaired (combined with St Clement school)​Year 7 to 11
​Les Quennevais​Physical and medical​Year 7 to 11

​Rouge Bouillon

​Autism and social communication​Reception to Year 6
​St Saviour​Autism and social communication​Nursery to Year 6

Skills Jersey Traineeship Programme

The Skills Jersey Traineeship Programme is a 1 year full-time programme for 16 to 19 years old.

It's an opportunity for personal development before embarking into the world of employment through:

  • work experience
  • one to one coaching
  • life and vocational development sessions

Find out more on the Skills Jersey Traineeship Programme.

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