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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Countryside paths and maps

​​​​​​Accessing the countryside

Jersey has a network of paths across public and private land in some of the Island’s most beautiful landscapes often through the Jersey National Park.

The paths are used by an estimated 100,000 people a year.

The Land Resources Management Team manages 70 km of public access to the Jersey countryside. There are a number of other agencies who provide public access including:

  • the National Trust for Jersey
  • Jersey Water
  • the Parishes
  • private individuals

​Countryside Access Strategy for Jersey 2016

Types of paths and who can use them

​Type of path​
​Cycle track
​Bridle path
​Multi use path
​Type of path​
Who can use them​
​Footpath​Pedestrian only
​Cycle track​Cyclists and pedestrian use only
​Bridle path​Horse riders and pedestrian use only
​Multi use path
​All non-motorised users
​Road​All users including motorised

Countryside Access Map

For more information or to give your feedback email

Levels of difficulty

​Level of difficulty
​Easy access
​Level of difficulty
​Easy access​Flat, or slight gradient tarmacked, no steps (suitable for most wheelchairs and pushchairs)
​Easy​Flat or slight gradient, not tarmacked, no steps
​Moderate ​Uneven surface, some steps or other obstacles
​Hard ​Uneven surface with trip hazards, steps or other obstacles, steep gradients


Suggested routes

Map of footpaths by levels of difficulty

Map of round Island walk

Map of cycle network

Map of Jersey Ridin​g Club routes

We work with other access providers and landowners. You can find out more on their websites:

Track My Bus is an online service that provides close to real time locations for all the buses on the Island.

It also has information on all the routes and accessible timetables.

Report a problem with Love Jersey

Love Jersey is an app and website you can use to report a problem that needs attention.

This can include things like:

  • overhanging trees
  • damage to footpaths

When using the app you'll be asked to provide information about the issue, location and send a photo.

Active Jersey Strategy

Jersey Sport have their Inspiring an Active Jersey strategy.

The strategy encompasses all departments and islanders and sees physical activity of a national concern that impacts us all.

Inspiring an Active Jersey Strategy

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