​​​​​The waste hierarchy
The waste hierarchy gives the top priorities to prevent waste. It ranks waste management options against what’s best for the environment.
When waste is created, you should give priority to:
- reduce
- reuse and repair
- recycle
- energy recovery
- disposal
Reducing waste and why it’s important
There are carbon emissions associated with everything you buy. The best thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is reduce the amount of things you buy.
To reduce your waste you should:
- consider if you need to replace or replenish something instead of buying new
- use rechargeable batteries
- buy produce with no packaging
- bring your own bag
- use reusable containers when buying lunch
- reduce paper usage by switching to digital
- swap disposable coffee cups for reusable ones
- use reusable kitchenware
Reduce your food waste
In Jersey around 35% of our household waste is food or kitchen waste.
To reduce this:
- follow recipes that use leftovers, which also saves you money
- check best before dates on food
- compost your food waste
- download and use apps such as
Domestic food waste digesters
The Government of Jersey recently is offering a discounted household food waste digester.
Using a food waste digester will help you reduce the amount of food and kitchen waste you put in your bin.
This discount applies to the:
- Green Cone, a food waste digester
- Green Johanna, a food waste digester and composter
Order your food waste digester at a discounted price on Great Green Systems.
​Green cone
| ​£124.99
| ​£43.99
​Green Johanna
| ​£144.99
| ​£6​1.99​​​
What food waste digester you should buy
The food waste digester you buy depends on your household needs.
Both digesters:
- are guaranteed for 10 years
- come with a kitchen caddy
- help the environment
- prevent waste from going to energy recovery
Find some com​parisons below on the 2 models available.
For more information on each model visit Johanna 330 litre hot composter and Green Cone food waste digester.
​Produces compost
| ​No
| ​Yes
​Amount of food waste it can take
| ​Household up to 4 people
| ​Household up to 6 people
​Takes garden waste
| ​No
| ​Yes. You need a 50:50 ratio of green and brown waste
​Garden position
| ​Needs a sunny spot, good draining soil and a hole 80cm wide by 60cm deep. It can be made into a raised bed​
| ​Can be positioned anywhere and on any surface. Works with high water table and with clay soil
| ​No specific temperature needed
| ​Use an insulated jacket to maintain 30°C all year round
Reusing items and recycling
Many items can be reused by being:
- repaired
- upcycled
- hired
- replaced
- donated
If you have to buy new, consider:
- the materials the product is made from
- if the product is made from recycled or recyclable materials
- if the product is transported from across the world
- if you can buy the product second hand
Recycling is often the default option but we still use energy to return the recyclable material into the supply chain. Although recycling is still a better alternative than the waste bin.
Find out what is recyclable in Jersey and where on the
A to Z recycling finder.
Parish recycling collection and facilities
What waste and climate change mean for Jersey
In Jersey our household and commercial waste is sent to the
Energy Recovery Facility. In 2022 we burnt 70,676 tonnes of waste.
Burning waste creates carbon emissions which contribute to climate change. It also produces an ash called incinerator bottom ash, which has to be shipped to the UK for specialist recycling.
Embodied carbon
Embodied carbon is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced in the manufacturing of a product. Greenhouse gases will likely have been produced at every stage of production and in transporting the product to you.
Embodied carbon includes:
- what products are made of, including extracting raw materials
- how the resources used in manufacture were created
- the manufacturing process
- transportation
These emissions are accounted for in the carbon emissions reporting in the country of manufacture. In Jersey, these embodied emissions are our scope 3 emissions.
Jersey’s climate change strategy
The principle 1 in our
Carbon Neutral Strategy says it's important that we understand the impact our local choices have across the world to be better prepared in reducing our emissions. This includes our scope 3 emissions, because these emissions are created on our behalf in the manufacturing of the goods and services off-Island.
Carbon Neutral Roadmap is Jersey’s long-term climate action plan. In the Roadmap policy OE1 promotes low-carbon lifestyles. Reducing what we use and waste, reduces waste as well as embodied carbon emissions.
Waste audits for businesses and management
A waste audit can help businesses understand what waste they produce. The waste audit guide gives you the information and resources you’ll need to carry out your audit. ​
Find out more at waste ​​reduction for businesses​.​