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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

About the eco active business network

​​​​​​​​ About the eco active business network

The eco active business network is a​n environmental management scheme for businesses or orga​nisations that operate in Jersey. Joining the business network shows you how to take action to lower the environmental impact of the business.

Every business is different, so you can set your actions to suit your business. 

Joining the network helps a business to:

  • improve efficiency
  • reduce running costs
  • prevent waste
  • improve business reputation
  • show you follow environmental legislation
  • reduce the risk of causing pollution or other negative environmental impacts

Leaders of the eco active business network

Leaders of the eco active business network work to a high environmental standard. They have had a third party audit to confirm this. 

They continue to improve by setting actions and targets.

Leaders of the eco active business network are:

How to join as a leader

Joining the eco active business network shows that a business is taking action to lower their environmental impact. 

To show us you meet this standard, you must have one of the following:

  • ISO14001 
  • ISO14401
  • 5* environmental audit
  • B-Corp
  • Acorn BS8555
  • green tourism gold level
  • EMS easy
  • green dragon level 5

To become an eco active business network leader, you must:​

  1. complete the online applicat​ion f​orm​
  2. email us a copy of your most recent audit report and audit certificate

You may also need a pollution prevention plan if your business uses or stores any substances that could cause pollution on a site that you own, lease or manage. This must be completed for each site you operate from.

These substances include:

  • oils (including cooking oils)
  • pesticides
  • solvents
  • paints
  • detergents

Pollution prevention plan

Welcome pack after joining

When you join the network as a leader, we will send you a welcome pack containing:

  • an eco active business leader certificate
  • use of the ​eco active leader branding subject to branding guidelines
  • information about training and other exclusive events​​

Annual return form​

Each year we will send you an annual return form. 

This is for you to ​show us:

  • if the business carried out the actions you had planned
  • the businesses environmental achievements for the last 12 months
  • the businesses priority actions for the year ahead
  • up to date audit reports and certificates​
  • if the business and contact details we have are correct

This needs to be completed by 31 March each year.

Members of the eco active business network

How to join as a member

To become a member of the eco active business network, you must complete the online application form.

You will need a pollution prevention plan if the business uses or stores any substances that could cause pollution on a site that you own, lease or manage. 

These substances include:

  • oils (including cooking oils)
  • pesticides
  • solvents
  • paints
  • detergents

Suggested template for a pollution prevention plan

Welcome pack after joining​​

When you join the network, we will send you a welcome pack containing:

  • an eco active business membership certificate
  • our ​eco active member branding and our branding guidelines
  • information about training and other exclusive events​

Annual return form​

Each year we will send you an annual return form. 

This is for you to​ show us:

  • if the business carried out the actions you had planned
  • the businesses environmental achievements for the last 12 months
  • the businesses priority actions​ for the year ahead
  • if the business and contact details we have are correct

This needs to be completed by 31 March each year.

List of members

Members are categorised by business sector.

Accommodation and food service activities


​Food and beverage service activities:

Administrative and support service activities

Rental and leasing activities:

Employment activities:

Security systems service activities:

Services to buildings and landscape activities:

Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities:

  • ​Carbon Farm Hub
  • Somerleigh Farms (1996) Limited

Forestry and logging:

Arts, entertainment and recreation

Creative, arts and entertainment activities:

​Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities:

Sport activities:

Amusement and recreation activities:

Cleaning activities​​​:

Landscape service activities:

  • Elite Gardens and Property Services​


Construction of buildings:

Civil engineering:

​Specialised construction activities:

Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities:

Building completion and finishing:

  • Alex Mcaulay Painters & Decorators Limited
  • Calton Limited
  • Coastline Jersey​
  • ​​​Da Costa Plastering Limited
  • E. McGarragle Building Services Limited
  • ​Style Shopfitting Limited​​​​​​​​
  • TM Ruane Limited

Other specialised construction activities​​​​​​:


Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

Financial and insurance activities

Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding:

  • Accuro Trust (Jersey) Limited
  • Affinity Private Wealth
  • Aztec Group
  • Barclays
  • BNP Paribas Jersey​
  • ​Enhance Group Limited​​​​​​​​​​
  • Entrust Limited​
  • Fairway Group​
  • Gen II Fund Services
  • Hawksford
  • Highvern
  • HSBC
  • RBC Wealth Management
  • Standard Bank​
  • Standard Chartered Jersey
  • Whitmill Trust Company Limited
  • Zedra Trust Company (Jersey) Limited

Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding:

  • Crawford and company​

Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities:

Human health and social work activities

Human health activities:

Residential care activities:

Information and​ communication


Computer programming, consultancy and related activities:

  • Adapt Consulting Company
  • ​ALX Training
  • C5 Alliance Limited
  • IT Hardware Services ​Limited
  • ​​​​Prosperity 24/7
  • ​Revoke Limited
  • Worksafe Jersey​ ​


Manufacture of food products:

Manufacture of beverages:

Printing and reproduction of recorded media:

Mining and quarrying

Professional, scientific and technical activities

Legal activities:

Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy:

Activities of head offices or management consultancy activities​​​:

Architectural and engineering activities:

Advertising and market research:

  • Golden Thread Marketing​
  • Marketing Bureau

Other professional, scientific and technical activities:

Public administration and defence

Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the community:

  • Government of Jersey
  • Parish of St Helier

Provision of services to the community as a whole:

Real estate activities

Real estate activities:

​Real estate activities on a fee or cont​ract basis:

  • D2 Real Estate
  • Queree Property Consultants Limited
  • Property Management Services Limited​​

Transportation and storage

Land transport:

Water transport:

Postal and courier activities:

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities

Water collection, treatment and supply:

  • Jersey Water


Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities, materials recovery:

Remediation activities and other waste management services:

  • Aqua-Orchard
  • ​​​Rcyclr Limited​​

Wholesale and retail ​trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Wholesale trade:

Retail trade:

Retail sale of automotive fuel:

  • ​Rubis CI

Other service activities

Activities of membership organisations:

eco active within the Government of Jersey

The Government of Jersey Annual Report and Accounts includes information on environmental improvements within the organisation. Before 2016, eco active produced separate reports containing this information.

States of Jersey annual report and accounts

Terms and conditions

When applying to be part of the eco active business network you agree to adhere to the following and any future terms and conditions for the duration of your membership. 

We reserve the right to revise the terms and conditions without notice and the updated information will be published on the Government of Jersey’s website. 

Your continued membership shall constitute your acceptance of the revised terms and conditions.

Application to join the eco active business network

Businesses must return the required application form including all necessary attachments.

Membership requirements

Once accepted to the network, a business must complete and submit an annual return that is subject to approval from the eco active business network by 31 March. 

Failure to do so will result in membership being terminated.

Members must disclose any environmental legislation breaches or 'near misses' to the eco active team as soon as they occur. 

Such a breach may result in the business being suspended or membership terminated for a period of time. 

Use of eco active branding

Members of the eco active business network are entitled to use the branding in line with the eco active branding guidelines. 

If membership ceases or is terminated, the business no ​longer is a member of the eco active business network and therefore they are no longer eligible to use the branding. 

It is the responsibility of the business to remove the eco active branding from all collateral or re-join the network.


The eco active business network including information, products and services (or third party information, products and services), are provided 'as is' without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.

We do not warrant that the functions contained in the material contained in this network will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that in any event will we be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from use or loss of use of, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the eco active business network.


The eco active business network material is subject to copyright protection in respect of the Government of Jersey unless otherwise indicated.

Copyright protected material may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium for research, private study or for internal circulation within an organisation. 

This is subject to the material being reproduced accurately and not being used in a misleading context.

Where any of the copyright items are being republished or copied to others, the source of the material must be identified and the copyright status acknowledged.

The permission to reproduce protected material does not extend to any material for which the copyright is identified as being held by a third party. 

For authorisation to reproduce such material, you must contact the copyright holder.

Images, photographs and logos

All photographs, images, and our logos or any other third party logos on this website are protected by​ copyright.

​All rights are reserved and no photograph, image or logo may be copied, reproduced or directly linked to without approval from the relevant copyright owner.

Data quality

The eco active business network is committed to providing a high standard of quality in the information it provides and every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate and up to date.

Data protection and freedom of information

The application form to join the eco active business network explains how your information will be used and provides a brief description of your rights under Jersey’s Data Protection Law and requests your consent regarding the use of your data. 

Each year, as part of the annual return process, businesses are reminded of this and are asked to requested to renew their consent.

Climate Change Engagement retention ​schedule​​​

When a business is no longer part of the eco active business network, any data regarding the businesses network membership will be deleted within five years of membership expiry​.​

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