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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Areas of Special Protection (ASP)

​​Areas of Special Protection (ASP’s) are areas of land that are designated under the Wildlife (Jersey) Law 2021 to provide legal protection for wild animals, birds or plants from disturbance or harm during critical phases of their life cycle.

Areas of Special Protection at Les EcrĂ©hous and Les Minquiers

The Wildlife (Areas of Special Protection) (Jersey) Order 2022 and the Wildlife (Areas of Special Protection) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2023 designate 4 ASP's at Les EcrĂ©hous and 2 ASP’s at Les Minquiers in order to protect the breeding activities, nesting and young of protected wild birds such as:

  • Common Tern
  • Roseate Tern
  • Oystercatcher
  • European Shag
  • Great Cormorant

Nesting season at les EcrĂ©hous is from 1 February to 31 August on MaĂ®tre ĂŽle, and on the other islands from 1 April to 31 August. At Les Minquiers the nesting season is from 1 February to 31 August.

During the nesting seasons only authorised people are permitted to enter a designated breeding area.

A range of activities that risk causing disturbance to the nesting birds are restricted throughout the ASP’s. These activities include:

  • operating a vessel at a speed of 5 knots or more, except in the case of an emergency
  • bringing a dog onto land, unless authorised in writing by the Minister
  • using or operating an unmanned aerial vehicle, unless authorised in writing by the Minister
  • using or operating a laser
  • discharging a firearm or ceremonial gun
  • lighting fireworks
  • lighting fires, except barbecues
  • playing any recordings of bird songs and calls or other sounds which may attract, alarm or otherwise disturb a protected wild bird
  • playing music at a volume which may alarm or otherwise disturb a protected wild bird
  • moving a cordon or sign marking the boundary of a breeding area or placing additional boundary markers, unless authorised in writing by the Minister​

Les Ecréhous Areas of Special Protection Maps

The maps below show the location of the 4 ASP's designated at Les EcrĂ©hous. The white dashed lines show the boundary of each ASP. The solid red lines show the boundaries of seabird breeding areas.

MaĂ®tr’île and the surrounding area

Picture of a map with which dots showing the surrounding boundary of Mairtrile and a red line showing area Picture of a map with which dots showing area of Mairtrile

La Blanche Ă®le and the surrounding area

Picture of a map with which dots showing the surrounding boundary of La Blanche île and a red line showing area Picture of a map with which dots showing area of La Blanche île

La Grande Brecque and the surrounding area

Picture of a map with which dots showing the surrounding boundary ofLa Grande Brecque and a red line showing area Picture of a map with which dots showing area of La Grande Brecque

La Marmotière and the surrounding area

Picture of a map with which dots showing the surrounding boundary of La Marmotière and a red line showing area Picture of a map with which dots showing area of La Marmotière

Les Minquiers Areas of Special Protection Maps

The maps below show the location of the 2 ASP's designated at Les Minquiers. The white dashed lines show the boundary of each ASP. The solid red lines show the boundaries of seabird breeding areas.

MaĂ®tresse ĂŽle and the surrounding area

An overhead image of the bird breeding area at Maitresse Ile and the surrounding areaAn overhead image of the bird breeding area at Maitresse Ile and the surrounding area

Les Maisons and the surrounding area

An overhead image of the bird breeding area at Les Maisons and the surrounding areaAn overhead image of the bird breeding area at Les Maisons and the surrounding area

Guidance for owners, occupiers and boat operators

Article 5 of the Wildlife (Areas of Special Protection) (Jersey) Order 2022 places a duty on all owners or occupiers within an ASP authorising a person to enter the area, and on all vessel operators that bring people on to land within an ASP, to inform that person of the requirements of the Order relating to the Area, before entering.

It is recommended that a written record is kept showing the information has been provided to the person before entering into the area, as evidence may be required if an individual does not comply with the guidance.

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