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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Hazardous liquid waste disposal

​​​Petroleum waste

You can dispose of petroleum products at Gate 11 at Bellozanne, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am to 12pm. We accept petroleum products including:

  • engine oil
  • fuel
  • petrol

Hazardous liquid and chemical waste

You can dispose hazardous liquid waste or waste chemicals to the hazardous waste facility at Gate 11 at Belloanne Valley. 

You must present a ​completed consignment note for your waste to be accepted.

Hazardous waste consignment note

This service costs £3 per kilogram.​

If your hazardous liquid waste or waste chemicals can't be processed on-Island, it will need to be transported to the UK for alternative treatment or incineration.

Beverages and spirits waste

You can deliver beverages and spirit wastes at Bellozanne's liquid waste reception. We only accept deliveries by appointment only. 

Book an appointment by calling us on +44 (0) 1534 445509.

Trade effluent

Trade effluent is the liquid produced on trade premises and is not domestic sewage. This applies to premises used to carry on a business or for purposes including:

  • educational
  • medical
  • public recreational
  • scientific

It's illegal to discharge your trade effluent in the public sewage system without consent.

If you run a business producing a high volume of liquid waste you may need consent to discharge your trade effluent.

Apply for a consent to discharge trade effluent by returning your completed application form to:

Operations and Transport
PO Box 412
Beresford House
Bellozanne Road
St Helier

Application form and guidance for consent to discharge of trade effluent

Drainage (Jersey) Law 2005

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