Department | Infrastructure and Environment |
Start date | 30/07/2013 |
End date | 25/09/2013 |
Type of consultation | Other |
Deadline for comments | 25/09/2013 |
About the consultation
The purpose of this consultation has been to publicise proposals to revise the 2011 Island Plan and to invite members of the public and any other interested parties to submit comments on the proposed revisions.
All comments received in relation to the proposed revisions have been reviewed by independent planning inspectors and may have been heard at an examination in public and / or considered on the papers. The consultation has informed the draft revision to the Island Plan that the Minister has presented to the States for approval.
Appointment of Planning Inspectors
The Minister for Planning and Environment has appointed Mr Chris Shepley CBE BA DipTP MRTPI and Mr Alan Langton DipTP CEng MRTPI MICE MCIHT to act as Inspector and Assistant Inspector to conduct an independent Examination in Public (EiP) into his proposed revisions to the 2011 Island Plan.
Mrs Helen Wilson has also been appointed as Programme Officer to assist the inspectors with the administration of the EiP.
The terms of reference for the planning inspectors are set out below
The scope of this interim review of the 2011 Island Plan is limited to a small number of polices and proposals and does not involve a review of the entire plan. Comments have only been invited about those parts of the Plan that are proposed for review by the Minister at this time.
Consultation and briefing papers
You can download consultation and briefing papers below.
2011 Island Plan information about the interim review
2011 Island Plan interim review proposed revisions
2011 Island Plan interim review briefing paper policy GD2
2011 Island Plan interim review briefing paper policy NE6-7 and NR9
2011 Island Plan interim review questionnaire
Minister's response to consultation
The consultation on the Minister’s proposals took place from 30 July to 25 September 2013 and over 200 people or organisations have submitted representations.
A further opportunity was then provided, between 27 November and 13 December, for comments to be submitted on the representations that people had made and, in some instances, to submit new representations.
Both first and second round representations are set out in the following two volumes, together with the Minister’s comments on them.
Volume 1
This deals with all representations, and the Minister’s initial response to them, relating to the form and content of the policies that Minister is proposing to amend. The representations have been considered relative to the policies to which they relate. Where comments are general in nature, these have been dealt with separately at the end of the document as have various miscellaneous comments.
Minister's response volume 1
Volume 2
This deals with all representations that have been received which are proposing that the Minister gives consideration to the potential rezoning of additional land to meet the need for housing in the Island.
These representations are essentially related to the proposed amendment of policies H1 and H5 of the 2011 Island Plan. The Minister has sought to assess the suitability of these sites for housing development having regard to a set of criteria which seeks to determine how well these proposals might fit with the existing planning policy framework and to set out his initial response to them.
Minister's response volume 2
Planning Inspectors’ report
An Examination in Public (EiP) into the proposed revisions to the Island Plan took place between 14 and 23 January 2014. It was conducted by independent Planning Inspectors, Chris Shepley and Alan Langton.
The Inspectors have set out their views and comments on proposed changes to the Island Plan and take into account the nearly 700 comments made as part of the public consultation and January’s EiP of the most contentious issues and proposed changes.
Revised Plan
The Minister for Planning and Environment has considered the Inspectors’ comments and their recommendations and has lodged a revised set of proposals in the States. The Minister has also published a schedule of the changes made to his original proposals and a justification for them.
Revised draft revision 2011 Island Plan
Schedule of amendments
States Members' Amendments for Consultation
States members have now had an opportunity to review the revised draft Plan and have lodged their own proposed amendments. Where they raise matters not yet considered as part of the Island Plan Review to-date, members of the public or any other interested parties have been invited to comment on them by completing an on-line survey. This consultation closed on 03 June 2014.
Minister's response to States Members’ amendments
The Minister has undertaken a preliminary review of the amendments submitted by States Members: his initial response to those amendments is set out in the schedule below.
Ministers response to states members amendments
Further Examination in Public
The Minister has invited independent planning inspectors to review the proposed amendments by States Members, and all of the comments received, where they raise new issues not previously considered. The inspectors held a short Examination in Public to consider these matters on 07 July 2014.
The inspectors' have now submitted their further report to the Minister for Planning and Environment.
View further report from independent planning inspectors
Please note: A list of all of the proposed amendments (including those that do not require consultation) to the revised draft Island Plan can also be found on the States Assembly web site. (see P.37/2014)
More information
If you require any further information please contact a member of the Policy and Projects Team at the Department of the Environment:
Kevin Pilley, Director
Policy, Projects and the Historic Environment
Telephone: +44 (0) 1534 448441
Ralph Buchholz, Principal Planner
Island Plan Review
Telephone: +44 (0) 1534 448436
How to submit comments to the consultation
​Consultation is now closed