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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Caring for each other, Caring for ourselves

DepartmentHealth and Care Jersey
Start date29/05/2012
End date20/07/2012
Type of consultationWhite paper
Deadline for comments20/07/2012

About the consultation

The way that health and social care is provided needs to be re-designed to allow it to deliver the best for Islanders for the future.

We need to provide services for Islanders which 'wrap' around the individual, are delivered in the community – not just hospitals and institutions – and we need to look at challenges such as our growing older population and increased costs.

A number of changes have been set out in the white paper to achieve this goal.

Download Health and Social Services White Paper 'Caring for each other, Caring for ourselves' (size 2.99mb)

How to submit comments to the consultation

Please submit your comments by email or in writing by Friday 20 July. If you would like a hard copy of the white paper, please email us and we can post one out to you.

Email us

Write to us:

The Public Consultation Office

Responses to the consultation

A report on the findings of the public consultation on the White Paper from the Department for Health and Social Services was published on 11 September 2012.

Download the Report on the findings from the White Paper consultation (1 mb)
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