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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Digital Economy Strategy

DepartmentDepartment for the Economy
Start date28/09/2023
End date17/11/2023
Type of consultationGreen paper
Deadline for comments17/11/2023

About the consultation

This consultation seeks your views on the proposed Digital Economy Strategy, which will help the Island meet its long-term economic vision to be a consistently high-performing, environmentally sustainable and technologically advanced small island economy by 2040.

Our vision for the digital economy is for:

  • Jerseyā€™s digital businesses to be confidently operating in domestic and global markets with competitive, high quality services and products
  • Other business sectors to become digitally enabled, confidently using digital tools and services to innovate and prosper
  • Islanders to be skilled and confident users of digital technologies, embracing the changes the technologies bring to their learning, leisure and working lives
  • Jerseyā€™s public services to be continually improved through effective use of digital delivery

The strategy has 6 themes and chapters. The consultation questions are related and ordered by these themes:

  • Skills
  • Making the most of Jerseyā€™s data assets  
  • Support for digital adoption
  • Making Jersey start-up and scale-up friendly
  • Support for digital businesses
  • Future proofing regulation

Consultation on proposed Digital Economy Strategy

Public meeting dates

Come to a drop-in session on Wednesday 1 November 2023 between 11am and 1pm at:

Prosperity 24/7
Castle Quay
Unit 3 & 4 Millais House
La Rue de Lā€™etau

Location on Google Maps

Reserve your place to the drop-in session on Eventbrite

How to submit comments to the consultation

This consultation is now closed.

Data Protection

The information you provide will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. Find more information in the Department for the Economy Privacy Notice.

The Government of Jersey may quote or publish responses to this consultation but will not publish the name and addresses of individuals without consent. Types of publishing may include, for example, sending to other interested parties on request, sending to the Scrutiny Office, quoting in a published report, reporting in the media, publishing on the Government website, and listing on a consultation summary. Confidential responses will still be included in any summary of statistical information received and views expressed.

Under the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011, information submitted to this consultation may be released if a Freedom of Information request requires it, but no personal data may be released. 

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