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Draft Development Brief for Jersey Gas site

DepartmentInfrastructure and Environment
Start date18/02/2019
End date02/04/2019
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments02/04/2019

About the consultation

The Department of Strategic Policy, Performance and Population has, recently, reviewed the adopted planning guidance relating to the Jersey Gas site, off Tunnell Street, St Helier.  The guidance reviewed was, primarily, the 2011 North of Town Masterplan and the 2013 Jersey Gas Site Development Brief (revision A).

The purpose of the review was to identify whether the planning guidance remained appropriate in light of a Proposition (P.114.2017) adopted by the States in January 2018. This Proposition required Andium Homes Ltd to deviate from the requirements of the 2011 Masterplan by providing the following:-

  1. An extension to the Millennium Town Park of approximately 1.35 acres (5,463 sq.m).
  2. Approximately 110 new homes, some of which should be affordable.
  3. Below-surface car parking (150 – 200 spaces), primarily for residents and shoppers.

Following the review of planning guidance, the Department considered that it would be reasonable, in the interests of clarity, to incorporate the requirements of the Proposition into the Development Brief for the Jersey Gas site. The general thrust of the original Development Brief remains unchanged from the 2013 document.

The Department is now seeking the views of the local community, business owners and any other interested party on the revised Development Brief, which will become ‘Revision B’. 

How to submit comments to the consultation

The consultation will close on 2 April 2019 and any comments should be sent to:


Post:  Alistair Coates, Principal Planner (Policy), Department of Strategic Policy, Performance and Population, 19-21 Broad Street, St Helier JE4 8ND

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