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Licensing Law consultation

DepartmentDepartment for the Economy
Start date23/12/2024
End date26/01/2025
Type of consultationGreen paper
Deadline for comments26/01/2025

About the consultation

​​​​This consultation aims to gather views on proposed amendments to the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974.

The objective of the amendments is to reduce barriers to business and ensure that the licensing regime is modern, proportionate, and fit for purpose.

Responses to the consultation​ will help shape the proposals which will be brought forward during 2025 for debate by the States Assembly.

About the la​w

The law sets out the legal regulations and requirements that govern the sale, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

It is designed to control:

  • who can sell alcohol
  • where and when alcohol can be sold
  • under what conditions it can be sold, in order to promote public safety, reduce alcohol-related harm, and ensure responsible consumption

The law also governs the process of applying for and granting of licenses to sell alcohol. 

​​ Consultation details

The main proposed changes in the consultation are:

  • replace the current Licensing Assembly with a dedicated Regulatory Authority appointed by, and answerable to, the Minister, whilst retaining a role for the parishes
  • delegate the responsibilities of a Regulatory Authority to an existing regulator with the optimal choice being the Jersey Gambling Commission
  • move to 3 categories of licence:
    • on-licence
    • off-licence
    • temporary licence
  • introduce the ability to customise terms of each licence on a case-by-case basis, and remove the need for multiple licences on a single premises
  • update the powers for both the Police and Fire services
  • bringing alcohol policy under Government and States Assembly oversight and updating the policy on drinks promotion and minimum pricing​​​​

Consultation on proposed amendments to Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974

How to submit comments to the consultation

This consultation is now closed and a summary of the responses will be published in due course.

D​​​ata protection​

The information you provide will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. 

Find more information in the Department for the Economy privacy notice.

The Government of Jersey may quote or publish responses to this consultation but will not publish the name and addresses of individuals without consent. 

Types of publishing may include:

  • sending to other interested parties on request
  • sending to the Scrutiny Office
  • quoting in a published report
  • reporting in the media
  • publishing on the Government website
  • listing on a consultation summary

Confidential responses will still be included in any summary of statistical information received and views expressed.

Under the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011​, information submitted to this consultation may be released if a Freedom of Information request requires it, but no personal data may be released.

Child Rights Impact Asse​ssment

The decision to publish the consultation does not have a direct effect on children and young people.​

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