About the consultation
​​​​​​We are replacing the play equipment at Long beach playground in Gorey, also known as the sandy park.
We would like people using the park and neighbours to help us design the new playground. Your ideas will help us replace the play equipment with what you want to see and do in the playground.
We’ll look at all your ideas, publish a report of the consultation results and make a set of recommendations.
Using the recommendations, a design of the proposed playground will be prepared.
We aim to open the new play equipment in the near future.
Public meeting dates
We’ll be at Long beach playground on:
- Wednesday 1 May 2024, 2pm to 6pm
- Thursday 2 May 2024, 2pm to 6pm
We’ll have copies of the ideas sheet for children to complete and will talk about the project and answer your questions.
How to submit comments to the consultation
This consultation is now closed.
Data protection​
The information we collect is gathered, stored and used in accordance with the Operations and Waste privacy policy.