About the consultation
​​​We are particularly interested in hearing from those who may have avoided taking legal action because of:
- the Royal Court Rules in their current form or
- the practices of the Royal Court or
- the costs involved
We will consider whether changes should apply to all future users of the Royal Court, or whether there should be changes to certain claim categories.
We are also looking for feedback on the suggestions set out in the consultation paper below to help improve the effectiveness of the court process.​
Your response will be made available to the public, unless you tell us otherwise.
Any comments that are outside the scope of this consultation may be passed onto another relevant department.
​​What we want you to comment on
You can find specific questions to comment on in the appendix of the consultation paper, which covers a range of activities relating to court processes.
How to submit comments to the consultation
​The deadline for comments is Friday 30 November 2014.
You can submit your comments on the consultation by:
Write to:
Miss R Traisnel
Bailiff Chambers
Royal House
St Helier
Call: +44 (0) 1534 441103
More information is available by contacting the Master of the Royal Court, Advocate MJ Thompson.
Call: +44 (0) 1534 441300