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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Sustainable Transport Consultation

Start date07/10/2019
End date21/10/2019
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments21/10/2019
Responses publish date31/12/2019

About the consultation

In May 2019 the States of Jersey declared a climate emergency and agreed the aim to be carbon neutral by 2030. 

Over 50% of Jersey's greenhouse gas emissions come from transport. Road transport alone accounts for 32%. Reducing our reliance on petrol and diesel cars will play a major role in our response to the climate emergency. Finding ways to encourage more walking, cycling and use of public transport will have many benefits, including:

  • helping tackle climate change
  • enabling Islanders to become more active and healthy
  • improving local air quality
  • easing congestion on our roads

In July 2019 it was agreed that a new Sustainable Transport Policy was needed by the end of the year. Work is currently underway on this.

Weā€™d like your views on the big issues around transport in Jersey and what youā€™d like to see change over the next 10 years. Your views will be fed into the development of the new Sustainable Transport Policy. They will also help us identify priority areas for further work and public engagement in 2020.

How to submit comments to the consultation

Responses to the consultation

ā€‹Summary of responses to the Sustainable Transport Policy survey

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