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Termination of pregnancy in Jersey consultation: Phase 2

DepartmentHealth and Care Jersey
Start date17/03/2025
End date14/04/2025
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments14/04/2025

About the consultation

​​In late 2023, the Minister for Health and Social Services held a consultation on termination of pregnancy in Jersey

This is the second phase of public consultation on proposed changes to the Termination of Pregnancy (Jersey) Law 1997.  

The feedback provided in Phase 1 has shaped Phase 2 of this consultation.

Phase 1 asked if Jersey’s legislation:

  • reflects current social values
  • meets the needs of women
  • takes account of changes in medical practice

Termination of pregnancy in Jersey consultation feedback report​

Phase 2 seeks your views on:

  • the gestational limit for terminations 
  • pre-termination consultations
  • early medical terminations
  • updates to offences under the law 

​​Termination of pregnancy in Jersey consultation

Summary of Termination of pregnancy in Jersey consultation​​​​​

Responses to the consultation will help inform the draft law presented to the States Assembly in December 2025.

How to submit comments to the consultation

​If you live in Jersey, you can provide feedback on the proposed law changes.

Complete the Termination of pregnancy in Jersey consultation

The survey is anonymous so no personal information will be shared.​ ​A high-level summary of responses to the consultation survey will be published in a feedback report.

Data protection

​​This survey is designed for you to provide anonymous feedback on future changes to the law. In the event that the information you provide does constitute personal data, the information you supply will be used solely for the purpose of planning and policy development. 

The information is retained in line with Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 and HCJ information governance policies and procedures. The data is always secure and accessible only to those who are responsible for planning and policy development.  

For more information about how we handle personal data for this consultation, see Health and Care Jersey privacy policy​.

​Wellbeing support

Termination of pregnancy is a sensitive subject. If you need s​upport, you can contact: 

Mind Jersey 

Mind Jersey is an independent local charity that provides support to people living with mental illness. Mind Jersey offers free counselling as well as a range of other support services. 

Call: +44 (0) 7829 933929  


Mind Jersey

The Listening Lounge

The Listening lounge aims to support Islanders with their mental health and wellbeing. The range of different support options can all be accessed free of charge and without referral.

Call: +44 (0) 1534 866793


Listening Lounge

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