DepartmentInfrastructure and EnvironmentStart date31/08/2021End date21/09/2021Type of consultationOtherDeadline for comments21/09/2021About the consultationThe Minister for the Environment has received an application for a water pollution Discharge Permit (reference DP(B)2020/09/01) to discharge surface water from Augres Fuel Garage, La Route de la Trinité, Trinity, Jersey, JE3 5JN. This is a consultation made under the Water Pollution (Jersey) Law 2000. Any person who wishes to comment on the application should do so in writing to the Minister at the address below.The Minister will provide the applicant with copies of all comments. The applicant may respond to these comments by writing to the Minister within 14 days of receipt of the copies. No decisions will be made by the Minister until the time limits for making comments have elapsed.View the application The application can be inspected free of charge here: Augres Fuel Garage discharge permit application form Augres Fuel Garage discharge permit site mapAugres Fuel Garage discharge permit DS1247-04 Enviroceptor Forecourt Seperator treatment system Gazette Public Notice: Notice of Water Resources Discharge Permit Application – Augres Fuel GarageHow to submit comments to the consultationThis consultation is now closed.Responses to the consultation​Responses to this consultation will not be published but are available to view upon request.