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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Water Discharge Permit, Dandara Jersey Ann Street Brewery

DepartmentInfrastructure and Environment
Start date25/10/2024
End date14/11/2024
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments21/11/2024

About the consultation

​​​​​The Minister for the Environment has received an application for a Discharge Permit (reference DP(B)2024/09/01) to discharge dewatered groundwater pumped from deep excavations at the Ann Street Brewery construction site, Ann Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4SE.

Water Pollution (Jersey) Law 2000

Find details of the application in the following docume​nts.​​

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Redacted Application Form

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Dewatering Method Statement

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street DCEMP Management Plan

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Waste Management Plan

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Brewery & De Quetteville Court Map

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Proposed SW Dewatering Discharge Points

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street SI BHs 2020 Works

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Proposed Drainage Layout

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Town Culvert Map - Ann St with Site Boundary

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street St Helier - GI Report Phase II

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Gov Site Map Source and Discharge Points

Dandara Ltd Consultation - Ann Street Risk Assessment Spillage

Dandara Ltd Consu​ltation - Ann Street Water Sample Results

Dandara - Ann Street Brewery Discharge Permit Gazette Notice

How to submit comments to the consultation

Anyone who wishes to make representations under Article 10 (Water Pollution (Jersey) Law 2000) should do so in writing or by email to the Regulator.
You can email or​ you can send comments by post to:

Regulation Standards Officer (Pollution Control)
Infrastructure ​and Environment – Regulation
PO Box 228
JE4 9SS​

All representations must be received by date 21 days after start of consultation (no later than 7 days following the period for inspection) and quoting the application reference. 

Copies of representations will be passed to the applicant and may be published online. 

The applicant will have the right of reply to any representations. The applicant may respond to these comments by writing to the Regulator within 14 days of receipt of the copies. No decisions will be made by the Regulator until the time limits for making comments have elapsed.

Environmental Protection's privacy policy and retention schedule

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