Department | Justice and Home Affairs |
Start date | 12/01/2017 |
End date | 24/03/2017 |
Type of consultation | Other |
Deadline for comments | 24/03/2017 |
Responses publish date | 14/04/2017 |
About the consultation
We want to make sure people living with a disability, impairment or long-term condition in Jersey, enjoy a good quality of life.
Extensive research and discussions have been carried out and a set of draft actions are proposed for a future disability strategy for Jersey. We want to know which of these draft actions you consider to be the most important, so we can include them in the disability strategy.
Download the Disability Consultation document: summary version (size 719kb)
Download the Disability Consultation document: full version (size 2.8mb)
Download the Disability Consultation document: large text summary version (size 584kb)
Download the Disability Consultation document: large text full version (size 2.7mb)
What we want you to comment on
We want you to tell us which of the actions proposed are the most important. We also want you to suggest any other actions which have not been suggested, but you feel should be considered for a disability strategy for Jersey.
Who we would like to respond
We would like to hear from:
- members of the public
- voluntary and community sector organisations
- local employers, businesses and trade organisations
Public meeting dates
ā€‹You can also attend one of our consultation events:
Spaces are limited, book in advance by clicking on one of the above Eventbrite links, emailing us, or calling +44 (0) 1534 440682.
Email Community and Constitutional Affairs
The venue is accessible and has hearing loop facilities. If you have any additional requirements, contact us and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.
How to submit comments to the consultation
ā€‹You can submit your comments by email, in writing, or using the consultation survey.
Respond to the consultation via the SurveyMonkey website
Email Community and Constitutional Affairs
Write to:
Disability Strategy Consultation
Community and Constitutional Affairs
Cyril Le Marquand House
PO Box 140
St Helier
Responses to the consultation
ā€‹Following the period of public consultation on a disability strategy for Jersey, the Department for Community and Constitutional Affairs has produced a report summarising the feedback received.
Disability strategy consultation response report (size 1.48mb)