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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Heritage Strategy

DepartmentDepartment for the Economy
Start date22/09/2021
End date03/11/2021
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments03/11/2021

About the consultation

The Government of Jersey is seeking to launch a heritage strategy which aims to develop the heritage sector in a way that enables all Islanders to better understand, value and enjoy Jerseyā€™s unique heritage. 

This consultation seeks your views on the proposals, which are set out in the draft heritage strategy document.

Consultation: A Heritage Strategy for Jersey a 20 year vision for the heritage sector 

How to submit comments to the consultation

We sought responses to the following questions, all of which were set out in the consultation document:

  1. are you broadly supportive of the need for a new strategy for the development of the heritage sector in Jersey?

  2. in what ways do you engage in Jersey's heritage (for example as a visitor of heritage sites or heritage expert)?

  3. do you think that this strategy will help Jersey progress towards a better appreciation of our unique heritage?

The responses have been published on this page, in line with the department's privacy policy.

Responses to the consultation

ā€‹Public responses to the Heritage Strategy consultation

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