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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey tree strategy

DepartmentInfrastructure and Environment
Start date09/08/2021
End date05/09/2021
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments05/09/2021

About the consultation

Jerseyā€™s trees are valuable for their beauty, nature, shade, birdsong, wellbeing, history, and many other reasons including climate resilience and life itself. When planted and growing close to where people live, or where pests and diseases take hold, trees can however cause issues. A Tree Strategy will set guiding principles and help manage these aspects, focusing on what's important for Jersey. 

In July, a mixed stakeholder group of more than 40 people came to online workshops and shared ideas about what the Strategy could cover and say. The stakeholder group includes young people, community voices, government and other organisations with tree management, nature, recreation and wellbeing, business related to trees, farming, heritage and culture, development, and utility services. 

Before firming up recommendations, the group needs to know what other people think.

The survey will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. It will be available until Sunday 5 September 2021.

We will collect all the answers and summarise them for the group in time for the next workshop in September. What you say will not be attributable to you.

Supporting Documents 

ARUP Review of Tree Protection Legislation

How to submit comments to the consultation

This survey is now closed. 

Responses to the consultation

Jersey tree strategy result summary

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