Alongside this public consultation paper, the Government is working closely with representatives from the financial services industry to address the technical requirements of the proposal.
The information you provide will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 for the purposes of this consultation. For more information, please read our privacy notice on p10 of the consultation document.
We will not pass any personal data on to anyone outside of the Government of Jersey, other than those who either process information on our behalf, or because of a legal requirement, and we will only do so, where possible, after we have ensured that sufficient steps have been taken by the recipient to protect your personal data.
We will not disclose any information that you provide āin confidenceā, to anyone else without your permission, except in the few situations where disclosure is required by law, or where we have good reason to believe that failing to share the information would put someone else at risk. You will be told about this unless there are exceptional reasons not to do so.
We do not process your information overseas using web services that are hosted outside the European Economic Area.
Data sharing
We may need to pass your information to other Government of Jersey departments or organisations to fulfil your request for a service. These departments and organisations are obliged to keep your details securely, and only use your information for the purposes of processing your service request.
Confidential responses will still be included in any summary of statistical information received and views expressed. Under the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011, information submitted to this consultation may be released if Freedom of Information request requires it but no personal data may be released.