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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Western cycle path

Start date10/05/2017
End date11/06/2017
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments11/06/2017

About the consultation

​The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is reviewing the cycle path and promenade from La Fregate at Westpark to Corbiere via the Railway Walk.

We hope to get an idea of how cyclists and pedestrians are using the path.

We would like to know:

  • what problems you have had
  • ideas for the future of the path

We can then work towards ensuring the route stays as popular in the future as it is now, for all users.

How to submit comments to the consultation


Comments may be submitted by the following methods:
Online questionnaire

Write to:
Department for Infrastructure
PO Box 412
Beresford House
Bellozanne Valley
St Helier

Email Department for Infrastructure

Results of the consultation on the western cycle path will be produced in a report due to be published in early autumn 2017. You should state if you don’t want your comments included in the report.

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